A 5ft 6ins labourer has told how he saved the life of a police officer being strangled in the street – by using a martial arts move he learnt on YouTube.
Joshua-Jon Hill, 26, was on a bus travelling home from the gym when he saw a thug grappling with a policeman on the street with his hands around the officer’s neck.
Brave Joshua-Jon ordered the bus driver to stop and leapt to the officer’s aid during the attack in Leicester at around 9pm on October 16.
The fitness fanatic got the 6ft 4ins yob in a headlock before putting his knee on a pressure point in the spine, forcing him to release his grip.

He then restrained the suspect while the officer got his breath back and colleagues arrived five minutes later to make the arrest.
This week, Joshua-John, of Oadby, Leicester, picked up a national police bravery award following his heroic actions.
He said: “I was just looking out of the window when I saw blue flashing lights.
“I then saw a police officer being strangled by a very big man across the road.
“The attacker was on his knees behind the officer who was sort of sitting down.
“I could see the officer was in a lot of distress.
“My instinct was to help. I went over and I saw what was happening and my instinct kicked in.
“I ran up to the driver and ordered him to stop the bus.
“I got off, ran over and used a technique I saw on a YouTube video to get the attacker off.
“I got him in a headlock and put my knee on the pressure point on his spine and released him from the police officer.
“I put my forearm round his neck and put my knee in his back.
“I restrained him until the police officer got his breath back, using my legs to hold his legs.
“As I was restraining this guy, it felt like within ten seconds there was already other officers there to help but apparently I was there for five minutes or so restraining this guy.
“The officer, and some of his colleagues who had also arrived, were then able to help get the man down and handcuff him.”
It was a move Joshua-Jon had never used before, or since, which he learnt by watching YouTube videos of martial arts moves.
He said: “I used to watch a lot of YouTube and some things just catch your eye and you just watch it. I’d never done it before.
“Probably a few years ago, I seen this video on YouTube on how to remove someone giving someone a headlock.”
The construction worker was given a hero’s welcome when he got back on the bus and the driver congratulated him.
Joshua-Jon said: “The bus driver, who had waited for me, said, ‘Well done mate’, and passengers told me I was a hero.
“I went home, made my pack-up lunch for the next day then went to bed.
“A lot of people round here are quite anti police.
“Where I live it is noticeable.
“There were people just standing there watching.
“It was weird – I play video games and you do things like that, but doing it in person you feel like you’re in a game.
“I went into auto-mode when I saw the officer being strangled.
“I have a friend who is a police officer so I know what good work they do and what danger they have to face.
“All that bothered me was that people survived – no-one got injured.
“I didn’t know if the police officer had a family, or kids at home.
“I could sleep knowing he could go home to his family.
“I am happy I was able to help, and honoured to receive the medal and the certificates.”

After the 16-stone attacker, who had mental health difficulties, was cuffed and led away Joshua-Jon gave his address and phone number to the grateful police officer and expected nothing more to come of it.
He said: “I got this great message saying, ‘Thanks for saving my life’.
“If it had gone on for much longer he might not have survived.
“It was the best feeling ever to get that message. I knew I had made a difference.”
On Tuesday, he travelled to London to receive a silver bravery award from the chairman of the National Police Chiefs Council, and was given a certificate from a top officer in the Leicestershire force.
He said: “It was a shock really.
“I have never received anything like this before and really wasn’t expecting it.
“One little act of kindness has turned out to be such a great thing.”

Leicestershire Police Chief Constable Simon Cole said: “Joshua-Jon was minding his own business, travelling on a bus, when he saw two PCSOs and a police officer who were being violently assaulted.
“He got off the bus, got involved, saved them further injury and helped the offender, who was mentally ill, get help.
“It is not an understatement to say that Joshua-Jon’s actions potentially saved a life.
“I am hugely grateful to him, and was proud to join the chairman of the National Police Chiefs Council to present him with his silver medal and certificate.”