This is the disturbing moment a carer was caught on hidden camera slapping, pushing and dragging a vulnerable man in his own home.
Footage released by police shows Pearline Baugh, 62, carrying out a catalogue of abuse on Peter Evans, 20, who has autism, epilepsy and is unable to speak.
Baugh was jailed for four months after admitting a charge of ill-treating an individual last month.
The mum-of-four was employed as a night carer after Peter began struggling to sleep and his mum Louise Evans, 41 needed extra help.
Peter was described as “prone to fits several times a day”, and in need of “a great deal of care”, while his 11-year-old brother also has autism and epilepsy as well as ADHD.

Baugh was trusted with taking care of Peter downstairs while single mum Louise slept upstairs at the family’s home in Bartley Green Birmingham.
In early 2019, Louise became suspicious Baugh was sleeping on the job and using her mobile phone too much so installed a camera in Peter’s bedroom.
But when Louise checked back over the footage, she saw the brutal treatment the carer had been subjecting Peter to.
Other recordings were said to show Baugh, of Sheldon, Birmingham pushing Peter on to his bed and bending his body in half.
Birmingham Crown Court heard when Louis confronted Naugh, she denied the accusations and was told to leave the house.
Louise handed over the video footage to officers who carried out an investigation, before Baugh was arrested and charged.