Police have begun a probe into possible hate crimes in connection with the controversial reading of the Koran in a cathedral. A service on at St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Glasgow received widespread attention after a reading from the Koran in January. The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth read the passage with the intention of promoting inter-faith tolerance during the service which was attended by a number of Muslims. In the aftermath, Mr Holdsworth, who is gay, said he received homophobic...
The Spice epidemic in Britain's prisons is so bad that staff are getting accidentally wasted through passive smoking - with one smashing up his home after a shift. One senior prison officer today said even in non-smoking jails inmates are ripping out pages of the Bible and damaging electrics to fuel their habit. Mark Fairhurst, who is on the national executive of the Prison Officer's Association, said officers are starting to fall ill after being daily exposed to the former legal...
A "fragile and vulnerable" woman has been JAILED for six months for begging on the streets - for just 50p. Marie Baker, 38, who can't read and write, was sentenced without legal representation because she was unable to get a defence lawyer or legal aid. She was caged for 26 weeks at Worcester County Court in February after she twice breached a civil injunction which banned her from begging in the city. But the judge who sentenced her has blasted...
US lobbying association Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is using a spike in violent crimes in the UK to peddle pro-gun laws in the US, despite gun homicides and mass shootings in the States eclipsing UK figures. According to Scotland Yard, there has been a 42 percent increase in so-called "gun violence" and a 24 percent rise in "knife offenses" during the 2016-2017 financial year. The report reveals that a "significant spike in knife and gun offenses"...
A driver was pulled over for driving without due care and attention after spectacularly missing their turn-off on the M6. Lancashire motorway police spotted the driver of a blue Ford Focus estate attempting a ‘manoeuvre’ at the Tickled Trout on Wednesday afternoon. Watch – "CCTV of vicious hammer attack in Birmingham City Centre" Click Here Watch Video Here
This footage shows a vicious attack on a 15-year-old boy outside of the Bullring Shopping Centre in Birmingham at 6pm on Feb 6th 2017. The thugs, one carrying a hammer, left the young lad with a fractured skull, after the vicious beating. He is motionless as they casually walk off. West Midlands Police have released the footage hoping to find these two savages. The clip shows one of the thugs smashing his victim around the face with the hammer...
An angry badger bites down on a partygoer’s hand after he stupidly tried to pick it up at a BBQ. The animal can be seen clinging on as the man tries to shake it off. Charlotte Reynolds was at a BBQ hosted by a friend when a “random farmer” turned up holding with the animal, which has a nasty bite if angered. The party was at Alvechurch, Worcestershire, last Saturday. The 26-year-old asks the man “can we see the badger?” as he...
PARK rangers marched off a man believed to be taking money from a wishing pond during an early morning operation. Patrols around Colchester Castle Park, Essex had been stepped up by rangers due to complaints about this theft, from residents. He was using a pole with a magnet on the end to nick coins from a "wishing" pond. The concerns centred on a man apparently using an extendable pole with a magnet on the end to pick up coins from...
A group of long-serving bus drivers were informed they no longer had jobs - by text message. Around 20 were given notice of redundancy by telephone - with a few being granted a call. A spokesman for the drivers said: "I know some drivers were told by text, others by the telephone. "A lot of these people have families to feed, and now they don't have jobs or an income - they feel cheated. "It's sad and unfair for all...
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