Watch – Yob caught on CCTV battering terrified dog

A mindless thug is captured on CCTV battering a terrified dog before taunting it by pretending to hurl the animal into a CANAL. Police are hunting the yob who was unknowingly caught on camera launching an attack on the pooch on a canal towpath. The 1.19-minute footage shows the man, dressed in a blue hoodie and jeans, grab the white bull terrier-type dog by the scruff of the neck. He is then seen whipping the mutt across the face and...

Watch – Thief caught on CCTV stealing from children’s charity

This is the sickening moment a heartless woman was caught on camera stealing from a charity which helps sick and disabled children. The brazen thief waits to see no-one is watching her before removing the jacket from a mannequin and stuffing it into her bag. The coat would have fetched around £25 for the Colchester Children's Charity, which chose to release the footage after getting fed up of their stock being stolen. Trustee Roy Kemp said: "It was a Sgt...

Watch – Women brawl outside a Poundland store over a FIDGET SPINNER

Dramatic video footage filmed by a passer-by shows the violence erupting outside the shop in Nottingham earlier this month. The pair can be seen yelling at each other before one of the women grabs the other by the hair and swings her round sending her crashing into a baby's buggy. One of the girls boots the other in the face before a security guard intervenes to separate the warring pair as stunned shoppers watched on in disbelief. A spokesman for...

Shocking undercover footage of factory pig farm

Undercover footage has revealed over-crowded pigs cannibalising the rotting carcasses of other hogs in a shocking expose of factory farming. Shocking footage of the swine munching on the dead flesh of other pigs was shot by animal rights' activists at a pork farm. The remains of piglets, riddled with maggots and slung in a skip to decompose, were caught on camera along with two skulls found in pig pens. Sick animals were left with the remains of dead pigs, contrary...

Watch – Angry Customer smashes up taxi office

This shocking video shows the moment an angry customer went on a violent wrecking rampage at a taxi firm because drivers refused to give him a lift. Staff in the office of cab firm 50 Cars were helpless and cowering at the back of the room as a man smashed the hatch window and pulled at electrical equipment. All the while the man, who is known to the taxi company, was shouting and swearing and threatening the employees. The incident,...

Watch – Van man crashes into a lorry while chatting on his mobile phone

The driver of the Renault appears to be so distracted by his conversation that he carries on without stopping. But he got a nasty surprise when he was presented with dashcam footage which had clearly identified him as the guilty party by his registration plate. His insurers were landed with a £2,000 repair bill by the HGV's owner. And now the white van man could face penalty points and a fine under tough new driver distraction laws. The footage, filmed...

Watch – Man with hammer and knife threatens father and son

This is the terrifying moment a man waved a hammer and 10in knife at a property developer and his dad while screaming, "I'm going to f****** kill you". The unnamed man was then restrained by a woman before being left to flee the scene unchallenged after police didn't show up for three hours. The attack unfolded following an earlier incident that day when the knife-wielding thug had been chased from a building site after allegedly attempting to steal tools. Boss...

Disgusting: Thugs attack father-of-three and daub “final solution” graffiti in his home

A traumatised father-of-three says he is scared for his family after vile thugs attacked him in his home and daubed racist graffiti on his walls. Jamil Azam, 42, was at home alone fixing a door handle when he was hit from behind and knocked unconscious. When he came to and he found his walls daubed with the message, "Cockroaches. We need a final solution #Machester." Jamil said when he saw the graffiti with "Manchester" - incorrectly spelled "Machester" - he...

“The trauma will stay with me with me forever” – What it’s like to be locked up indefinitely by the UK

Hidden away in remote Victorian ex-prisons or behind barbed wire at the back of industrial estates, Britain detains around 30,000 people in privately-run detention centres on administrative grounds, ostensibly while attempts are made to remove them from the UK. During the election campaign every major political party’s manifesto contained a vow to end indefinite detention in immigration cases. All apart from the Conservative Party. The cruel practice has been criticised by MPs from both sides of the benches, Her Majesty’s Prison Inspectorate...

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