The family of an elderly woman who died weeks after being attacked by a female robber has blasted the 30-month prison sentence - branding it "a final insult". Danielle O'Neill pretended she was a police officer to persuade Philomena Keane, 75, to open the front door of her flat in Coventry at 4am on June 27, 2015. O'Neill, 31, punched Mrs Keane, who wore an oxygen mask, in the face before ransacking the property. Mrs Keane suffered a stroke...
A meat supplier mixed cheap horsemeat with beef before flogging the 'horsebeef' to unsuspecting manufacturers of ready meals and burgers for supermarkets and caterers, a court heard. London-based businessman Andronicos Sideras is accused of buying cheap cuts of horse then fraudulently selling it as '100% beef' for vast profits. The allegations relate to the 2013 'horse meat scandal' which rocked Europe after tests on hundreds of beef products revealed traces of undeclared horse meat. Thousands of items were pulled from...
The parents of a woman murdered by a "monster" say the original police investigation was a "disgrace" and the coroner's inquest was a "sham". Robert Trigg, 52, was jailed for life today for the murder of Susan Nicholson, 52, in 2011, and the manslaughter of another girlfriend Caroline Devlin, 35, in 2006. In court today Caroline's youngest son youngest son Brandyn McKenna described Trigg as a "monster". Both deaths at the time were ruled as non-suspicious with Coroner Michael...
A disabled woman says she was punched in the head for cruising around town on her bright pink mobility scooter - that is decorated with gemstones. Sarah Chelsom, who glammed-up her scooter with diamantes and rhinestones simply to make her neighbours' smile, says she was punched in back of the head as she rode around her home estate. Flamboyant Sarah, 51, from South Northwood, south London, is calling for more bobbies on the beat after she was left frightened...
Two dozy agency workers have been suspended after they were pictured appearing to be ASLEEP in the lounge of a care home. It is believed that the women, wearing their uniforms, napped for nearly three hours while they should have been looking after elderly people and dementia sufferers. One of the women is pictured with her feet up on a stool while the other is slumped in a chair with her head to the side. The pair, who were...
Baffled residents were left outraged after a parking warden left his car carelessly across half a bay - and say he should have given himself a ticket. A picture snapped by local Steven Way shows the enforcement officer's shoddy parking outside the white lines, although not obstructing other cars. The grey 17-plate Ford Fiesta, driven by a Shepway District Council warden, was spotted in Hythe, Kent, on Monday morning. Steven, a chartered building surveyor, stressed that the officer "shouldn't...
These shocking photographs show children dicing with death as they dodge cars by lying in the middle of a busy ROAD. The three children appear to be playing 'chicken', a game involving waiting as long as possible in the way of cars, before jumping away at the last second. In one of the images, two of the children are seen lying in the middle of the road, while another image shows one the children running out on to the...
A student was almost blinded and left with facial scars after she was viciously glassed in the FACE by a man at a bar on holiday. Danielle Beavis-Smith, 22, was enjoying her last night of a break in Egypt with her boyfriend and family when she was attacked by another guest. She accepted a drink from a woman at the all inclusive bar apparently infuriating the girl’s male partner – who smashed a glass of rum and coke into her...
A mindless thug is captured on CCTV battering a terrified dog before taunting it by pretending to hurl the animal into a CANAL. Police are hunting the yob who was unknowingly caught on camera launching an attack on the pooch on a canal towpath. The 1.19-minute footage shows the man, dressed in a blue hoodie and jeans, grab the white bull terrier-type dog by the scruff of the neck. He is then seen whipping the mutt across the face and... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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