
Well over half a million British people could die suddenly, research finds

Worrying new information has been released which will panic many people regarding their heart health.

The British Heart Foundation believe that over 600,000 carry a faulty gene, which acts to increase the risk of sudden cardiac death.

If this inherited heart condition can be deadly, currently twelve people a day tragically die from a sudden cardiac attack.

Even more worryingly most people who have this faulty gene do not know that are at risk.

The British Heart Foundation have released these statistics at the start of National Heart Month.

Professor Sir Nilesh Samani, medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: “The reality is that there are hundreds of thousands of people across the UK who are unaware that they could be at risk of sudden death.

“If undetected and untreated, inherited heart conditions, can be deadly and they continue to devastate families, often by taking away loved ones without warning.

“Thanks to the public’s kind support BHF-funded researchers have discovered some of the genes responsible for these frightening conditions but there is still much to do.

“We urgently need to fund more research to better understand these heart conditions, make more discoveries, develop new treatments and save more lives.”

For more information and advice about inherited heart conditions and to support the BHF to fund more research to end the devastation of heart disease visit there website here.

In other health news we reported that Paracetamol can damage the liver “in the same way as cancer

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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