Your daily weather forecast for the UK and London.
Overview for Wednesday 16 June 2021
UK Weather forecast for tomorrow:
Outbreaks of rain and coastal fog northern and western England and Wales. Sunny spells elsewhere, with isolated showers in northwest. Very warm across southern UK with thunderstorms likely later.
Outlook for Thursday to Saturday:
Sunny spells and a few showers affecting Northern Ireland and Scotland. Areas of thunderstorms likely to affect parts of England and Wales at times with temperatures returning to nearer normal.
London Weather forecast for tomorrow:
A fine and dry day with light winds and plenty of sunshine, hazy at times. Very warm or hot though cooler along east coastal areas. Thundery showers spreading north late. Maximum temperature 30 °C.

Special weather advisories:

UVB sunburn index:
Very High.

UK Weather Warnings:

Chance of precipitation:
Outlook for Thursday to Saturday:
Generally cloudy on Thursday and Friday, with bands of organised showers pushing north, occasionally heavy and thundery. Generally bright or sunny on Saturday, with perhaps the odd shower.
Weather data provided by the Met Office. For a detailed forecast of your area, click here:
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