Categories: BeautyLifestyle

Want a plumped up pout like Kylie’s? Here’s how to get the best results – safely.

By Rosie Wilson

The worst kept secret in Hollywood is out – Kylie Jenner’s larger than life pout is not just down to genetics, lipstick and a clever Instagram filter. The youngest of the Kardashian Klan recently admitted to having temporary lip fillers – something she’d previously vehemently denied.

The revelation couldn’t have come at a better time – with Kardashian fans worldwide driving themselves to distraction trying to emulate Jenner’s pout, there have been some drastic, and at times disturbing, efforts to DIY supersized lips. The one that has gained the most media attention has even got its own hashtag – the #KylieJennerChallenge – and encourages people to apply pressure to their lips with cosmetic caps and shot glasses to make the lips swell. Even the most successful results are short-lived, and less successful participants in the challenge could be seen uploading pictures of their bruised, blistered and bleeding lips. Even worse, cosmetic experts have warned that the lips are in the ‘danger triangle’ of the face, and that placing too much pressure on them could have grave effects on the overall health.

But let’s be honest – Kylie’s lips do look good. They’re not for everyone, but a plumped up pout can make you look younger and more attractive, not to mention more glamorous. It also gives you a wider scope of makeup looks available to you, and the chance to experiment with your look a little more. So what’s the quickest and safest way to ensure fabulous results? As Kylie knows, the answer lies in cosmetic lip fillers.

Jenner’s admission might have been met with surprise by some – not least because over the last few years, lip fillers have gained notoriety for causing ‘duck face’, or obviously altered lips that pucker into a permanent pout.

Seek lip fillers from someone who truly knows what they’re doing though, and this doesn’t need to be a cause for concern. Dr. Sarah Tonks, a London-based cosmetic doctor and lip expert, says:

“Lip augmentation injections get a bad rep, but just like everything else, it’s only when they’re administered poorly or without the proper training that they look bad or fake.”

Unlike the 10 minute results of the #KylieJennerChallenge, lip fillers can last up to two years, so for people serious about plumping their pout, they’re well worth the investment. In fact, they might work out most cost-effective than the amount of makeup it would take to fake the look.

Dr. Tonks adds:

“People tend to think of lip fillers as a drastic solution to thin lips, but they’re actually a minimally-invasive, natural looking and cost-effective treatment. It’s absolutely imperative, though, to visit a fully accredited cosmetic doctor who specialises in lips. A lot of beauty salons and spas now have licenses to perform collagen injections, but without an expertise of both the facial makeup and the composition of the injectables, it could go wrong.”

“Make sure you have a consultation before you have your treatment, too. This is the time for your practitioner to learn about the exact look you’re after – every face is different, and everyone will want different outcomes from lip collagen injections. This is totally achievable – and the key to getting natural looking results that suit you – but you must speak up!”

If you decide to take the plunge and invest in cosmetic lip fillers, investing in a good beauty kit after your treatment will help to finish the look. Visit a makeup counter in a department store, and ask them for products that will help to enhance the look of your lips. Whether you’re a fan of a natural nude or prefer a screen siren red, lining the lips carefully with a pencil before filling them in with a heavily-pigmented, matte lipstick using a fine brush will maximise your new pout and make the most of your fuller lips. Finish with a small dab of highlighter just above the Cupid’s bow and on the middle of the bottom lip to reflect light. And there you have it – a safe, long-lasting, Kardashian worthy pout!

If you are interested in lip fillers with Dr. Sarah Tonks or would like to learn more, you can reach her directly on

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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