
Tory MP accused of ‘pretending to be from Labour’ now facing police probe

The election campaign is barely two weeks old, but the Tories have endured enough farce to last a lifetime. The latest Conservative cock-up comes from one of their MPs in Derbyshire – who stands accused of breaking electoral law.

Who is Robert Largan? Well, he’s not a Labour candidate…

Robert Largan, the elected representative for High Peak, has been roundly criticised for his latest campaign materials. Using white text on a red background, his slogan reads “Labour for Largan”, intentionally hiding his actual affiliation in the small print.

The highly-deceptive poster looks exactly like a promotional item for the Labour Party. Largan, who also does not mention he is representing the Conservatives on his social media profiles, is encouraging people to ‘vote local’ next month.

ALSO READ: Tory MPs accused of ‘pretending not to be Tories’ in political ads

Tory MP defends ‘imitation’ of Labour

Explaining the rationale behind this highly controversial campaign, Largan states that he is launching a ‘Labour for Largan club’, to represent the number of Labour voters who he claims have expressed an interest in voting for him. Alright mate…

“So many local Labour voters say they’ll vote for me, because they want to keep me as their local MP. There have been so many that I’m launching a new ‘Labour for Largan’ club. You can join other traditional Labour voters in backing me” | Robert Largan

Police set to probe Tory MP for alleged ‘election fraud’

However, his excuse hasn’t washed over with the social media crowd – nor Derbyshire Police. The local law enforcement authority have since confirmed that they are reviewing a possible case of election fraud, following a flood of complaints this weekend.

Vorders hits out at Robert Largan

As if a bollocking from the police isn’t enough, the presenter-turned-political-activist Carol Vorderman has also tore strips off Mr. Largan. She branded his efforts to distance himself from the Tories as ‘pathetic’, and even teased him over his small majority.

“A desperate Tory… happy to vote for all the dodgy contracts, but now your salary is on the line, you try pathetically to distance yourself. You were one of the whips rounding up others to vote for cruel policies. Majority of 590? Not long now” | Carol Vorderman

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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