
The Mail’s latest front-page on Angela Rayner ends badly for Lord Ashcroft

Has there ever been a lamer last kick from a dying horse than this? Lord Ashcroft and The Mail are continuing with their campaign against Angela Rayner – skirting over some fairly more significant issues closer to home.

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The Mail goes on the offensive against Angela Rayner – and it backfires

In the latest front page hit-piece against the Deputy Leader, the publication claims to have ‘bombshell’ information about her tax affairs and the property at the centre of the row. They insist that a trawl of her social media proves she hasn’t fully disclosed all the relevant information to the authorities.

However, the article – which currently sits behind a paywall online – probably won’t be winning a Pulitzer Prize anytime soon. One of the main arguments points to the type of cushions that were present in the house Rayner claimed to live in at the time.

The article is a page one splash for The Mail, who haven’t exactly been short of choice for a more meaningful story to lead with. Crises involving Tory MP William Wragg, Thames Water, and millionaires effectively buying knighthoods have all caused a stir this week.

Lord Ashcroft hammered for getting involved in Rayner row

Alas, the campaign against Labour’s second in command continues. Lord Ashcroft, who shared the story to his Twitter page, did experience a significant backlash. Twitter/X users reminded the Peer about his own bending of the rules, and the reported £112 million tax bill he managed to avoid through his non-Dom status. The public have not been kind…

Labour front-benchers go into bat for Angela Rayner

David Lammy, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, stood up for his colleague during an interview with Laura Kuenssberg this morning:

“There’s nothing new in this latest story. Angels Rayner has not broken any rules, this is a non story, and it is in the news because of May’s local elections. On average, people are now £870 worse off as a result of this Tory chaos.” | David Lammy

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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