Categories: HealthLifestyle

Teenage girl passes driving test first time after taking lessons after Chemo sessions

A young woman who battled cancer was able to pass her test first time, after taking driving lessons on the way back from chemotherapy treatment sessions.

Brave Katie Rickett, 17 passed the tough driving test a mere two weeks after the end of her treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Katie was sadly diagnosed back in May with the cancer, which develops in the lymphatic system, and like all cancers can be fatal. She was givien treatment by the teenage cancer ward at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, Cambs.

If that wasn’t enough for the family, Katie’s father Neil, 48, was diagnosed with head and neck cancer at the beginning of the year and had to undergo treatment himself.

Even though the shocking news was potentially life-changing Katie just wanted to be like all her friends, and didn’t want to alter her lifestyle due to her diagnosis. She vowed to pass her driving test regardless.

Katie, from Peterborough, Cambs, said: “I said to myself when I was diagnosed ‘I am 17 and I want to get my driving test’.

“I had only started lessons a couple of weeks before I was diagnosed.

“But on the way back from the hospital and my treatment, I would get a bit of driving practise in, so when it came to taking my test, my driving instructor was very confident I would pass.

“I thought I would be nervous before my test but when it came to it I wasn’t.

“I managed to pass with just one minor after I forgot to check over my shoulder before I pulled away.

“I was quite pleased as I had to go through six cycles of chemotherapy – some of the strongest available at the hospital.”

The family is hopeful she will get the all clear at her next hospital appointment on October 19th.

Katie added: “It has been a difficult year, so it will be nice to get some good news.”


This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by SWNS news agency.

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