Categories: FamilyLifestyle

Save a Life, Learn to Swim – Competition

By Jasmine Stephens, family editor

Learning to swim is one of those critical childhood rights of passage. Like riding a bike and learning to read it opens up a whole new world of memorable experiences from holiday pools to super-fast flumes to ice-cold lakes. Not only that, swimming is a fantastic way to stay fit at any age and of course it’s a skill that could one day save your life.

The National Curriculum requires Primary schools to teach children to confidently swim a distance of 25metres using a range of strokes so they can rescue themselves from drowning, yet a recent survey revealed that 57% of 7-11 year olds do not how to swim.

In a bid to change this, swimwear and equipment retailer Swimshop has launched the ‘Save a Life, Learn to Swim’ campaign and to encourage parents and kids alike to take the plunge, have collated some fun swimming games for families to increase their child’s confidence in the water.


To help you along the way, we have teamed up with Swimshop to give away two sets of armbands and floats to two of our Twitter followers.

To enter, make sure you are following us and retweet any of our competition posts that will be tweeted out.

The competition closes on Sunday 26th July and we will get in touch with the winners via Twitter.


Jasmine Stephens

Jasmine is TLE's family editor. A writer, and mum of three young children, Jasmine has a degree in French and Italian from the University of Leeds and spent over ten years working in language services.

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