I first visited Beauty and Melody Spa in March 2018. I was a complete virgin to hair extensions, I had never tried anything wild with my hair other than curling it or backcombing it terribly. The spa fitted me with Russian hair tape extensions which changed my life. I had a new found confidence, I had a new persona, but when the time to renew came up I couldn’t help myself thinking; Could I get the same for cheaper?
Last year I spent countless hours looking at the prices of extensions, thoroughly searching online for cheaper ways before eventually enrolling the services of a local hair dresser who helped me find new extensions and advised me to buy from Amazon. I look back on this and see the red lights flashing saying “DONT DO THIS,” however the frugal girl in me trusted him and hoped this would be the way of gorgeous new locks and keeping my bank account healthy.
I received the hair from amazon, which may I add, still wasn’t cheap, probably about half the price of what it would have been to just go to the same salon and get a whole new set. The hair felt soft, long, and looked quite good. I was pleasantly surprised but there was still that niggling thought that I hadn’t done the right thing. The hair looked good and smooth when it was fitted, at this point I let out a sigh and just hoped for the best.
24 hours later I looked like Basil Brush. The ends looked as though I had frayed them with a lighter just for fun. And this was only the start. Over the next few days I noticed the hair became coarser and the smooth hair I had wished for was gone. It was constantly matted at the back of my head, every time I swished my head to the side the hair pretty much moved as one whole piece, I get itchy even rethinking it. It was such a terrible experience, I was constantly down and crying. It was not just my appearance I was upset over but the fact I had still spent a solid amount of money on this hair and it was affecting my actual hair, my confidence and my social life – because NO ONE is going out with that kind of hair.

This is when I reached out to Beauty and Melody, with my basil brush tail between my legs – admitting to them I had tried to replicate the creation they had started and miserably failed. They invited me in to look over my hair and to see what they could do for me, and I ran to them with open arms.

I sat with my stylist Melinda who took one look at my hair and explained what was wrong with it and why these extensions were the wrong decision. She explained the hair I had in wasn’t 100 per cent human hair (like it had be sold to me) but synthetic hair and also it was filled with silicone which made it matte and shine in a plastic way. She also made me aware of remy hair extensions whereby the grain of the hair must face down and all in one direction, and my hair certainly did not fit that brief.

Tape extensions are quite simply the most innovative and effective semi-permanent hair extensions available. Beauty and Melody ensure they are created with the finest quality Russian human hair, and they look and feel completely natural whilst being virtually undetectable. You can choose to add extensions for volume, length, or even both. You will have a consultation with your stylist who will talk you through this process and discuss what would be your best option regarding length and how much hair you would desire.

Melinda fitted me with a full head of extensions matching my natural hair colour perfectly. The texture and the weight of the Russian hair extensions is second to none. The quality is beyond doubt, it is no surprise that these Russian hair tape extensions are the most popular on the market. Yes, they are slightly higher in price, however the idea of quality over quantity comes into play here, and some things in life you cannot do by halves, especially when it is something so important like hair which people see every day and you have to wash it, style it and live with it. You must always choose quality and I can certainly confirm Beauty and Melody offer that on every level, from hair extensions, customer service and their beauty treatments.

After my dire experience with Amazon hair, the kindness, professionalism and the high standards of Beauty and Melody provided me with proves that a boutique salon like this is worth every penny spent. I have learnt my lesson the hard way, and moving forward I know quality is always the right option, and sometimes there aren’t cheap short cuts.
If you would like to get yourself booked in for a consolation at Beauty and Melody, please visit https://www.beautyandmelody.co.uk/russian-hair-extensions/ and I can guarantee you will be in the best hands.