
How to cope with divorce

By Sara Davison The harsh reality is that the UK has the highest rate of divorce in Europe with 42% of first marriages ending in divorce. This fact is not to be taken lightly as it is reported to be the 2nd most traumatic life experience after death of a loved one. Marital break ups are part of our everyday life with celebrity divorces frequently making the headlines. In the last few weeks alone we have seen Gwyneth and Chris, Jeremy...

Pint-sized brewing

By Guy Dorrell @GuyDorrellEsq Steve Jobs never had much of a taste for alcohol, the few references that can be found of him drinking refer to the very occasional glass of wine. But while beer may not have had an effect upon him, he had a profound effect upon it. In the late Seventies, when the idea of Apple was coming to fruition and the incorporated company began to grow, America consumer markets were changing before its eyes. Jobs and...

Vitamin D – Yet Another Health Worry to Keep Us Awake At Night!

By Fiona Kirk In addition to ensuring that our diet is bursting with goodness and we factor regular exercise into our ever-more-hectic lifestyles to give us the best possible opportunity of living a long and healthy life, is our vitamin D status another challenge we have to take on board? ‘Fraid so! It is estimated that somewhere between 30% and 100% of us are deficient, globally; it largely depends on your age, where you live, how much sunshine you get...

What’s the real cost of work place stress?

 By Dr. Emma Mardlin and John Clayton, Trainers and Practioners of Mind Body Medicine, clinical psychotherapy, NLP, health and well-being. Workplace stress is an increasingly prevalent and serious issue that eats away at profits, dramatically reduces efficiency and makes good staff hand in their notice, something most employers are no doubt familiar with. However this isn’t something we should just accept as ‘part and parcel’ of work because ‘stress’ is just the beginning of a very negative cycle in terms...

Fitness – Fresh Starts, Fresh Motivation, Fresh Goals!

By  Scott Laidler @Scott_Laidler One of the most common mistakes people make in the gym is losing momentum just as they start to see progress. A big reason for this is that, as we start to achieve our goals, we also start to get complacent. We stop thinking about how far we are away from our final destination and begin to rationalise that, even if we only saw a little more progress from our current point, it wouldn't be the...

Mirror Mirror on the wall

  Why Looking Youthful Is The Key To Happiness By Laura Casewell As we get older we all look in the mirror from time-to-time and wish we looked a little younger. Poking and prodding our faces to see what we'd look like with a jab of Botox isn't uncommon for those entering their 30s and beyond. I'm here to tell you- unpopular as the following may be to some- that in an appearance-driven world, looks definitely do matter. And so...

Tattoos; what is the appeal?

By Sasha Morris In 2013, it was determined that one in five people in the UK have at least one tattoo. Once associated with sailors, criminals and gang members, they can now be seen on most celebrities and have become socially acceptable everywhere. The noticeable increase of people getting tattoos are the younger generation; 29 per cent of people aged 16 to 44 years have now inked their skin. But what are peoples’ reasons for getting tattoos? Is it all just...

From Brain to Beauty- the Importance of Omega 3

By Naomi Mead nutrition therapist Dietary fat is starting to get the attention it deserves…and this time, for positive reasons.  The old “eat fat, get fat” misconception is being quashed, as we gain a better understanding of the very important role that fat plays in our body.  The topic of saturated fat and the unintended but potentially devastating consequences its vilification has had on our health is a whole subject of its own, and still very much a topic of hot...

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