
One in ten Brits can’t name the capital of Scotland

By Leanne Dempsey With the commonwealth games a big success north of the border and the Scottish referendum imminent, it is no surprise that all eyes are on Scotland. So, it is somewhat shocking that one in ten of us do not know what the countries capital is. A recent YouGov survey, commissioned by Sykes Cottages, asked 2,390 respondents from England, Scotland and Wales to name Scotland’s capital city. Some of the results were shocking, to say the least. Amongst the incorrect answers...

Future Beauty Innovations And Trends

By Steve Taggart The non-surgical treatments industry has seen massive growth throughout the last few years, with demand for anti-ageing and cosmetic treatments remaining buoyant even during the darkest days of the recession. Perhaps one of the reasons is that the market is still in growth, expanding naturally as more and more consumers become aware of the treatments available and the results that can be achieved without surgery. The most popular treatments carried out remain injectable treatments. These are quick,...

Things my children won’t understand

By Sallie Bale, Director, Communica PR In life, things change and move on. There are so many things in my everyday life that by the time I have children, will be obsolete. And many things are already going that way. Every now and again, it strikes me that something that I am doing makes no sense in today's world, and yet makes total sense to me. My children won't understand why the international sign for "taking a picture" is putting...

Healthy salads stuffed with secret salt

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Huge amounts of salt continue to be added to many restaurant, café and supermarket salads, according to a new survey by Consensus Action on Salt & Health (CASH). This is despite calls in 2010 to lower salt in salads, as certain restaurateurs and food manufacturers continue to sneak in large amounts of unnecessary salt when it comes to serving up their ‘healthier’ dishes and raising the nation’s blood pressure CASH surveyed 650 ready-to-eat salads available...

Top 5 tips on how to meet your dream girl this summer

  By Jason Lloyd When it comes to finding ‘the one’, most guys leave it to fate. A single guy may spend his time working out in a gym trying to get that ‘dream six-pack’. After battling the nine-to-five throughout the week, he feels that he’s earned the right to go to the pub on a Saturday afternoon with the lads, consuming more units of alcohol in one sitting than the entire population of Ireland during St Paddy’s day celebrations....

Toddler Times: The Road Trip

  By Clare Miller So, my baby William has just turned 18 months. The early baby days of breastfeeding, bouncers and sterilizing bottles are well behind us, although at the time it felt like they would last forever.  William is now officially a toddler, he no longer has the baby ‘look’ but instead a little boy is emerging. One who can say a handful of words; who can walk, climb and dance a little jig when excited. Of late he...

How to cope in the workplace during a relationship break-up

  By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor   Sara Davison is a life and business expert whose own personal experience led to her desire to specialise in heartbreak and divorce coaching, creating a unique programme to support individuals with the tools, techniques and advice needed to journey through break-up and divorce. Here, she talks to  The London Economic, about how to cope in the workplace during a relationship break-up. For most people juggling a career and a family home life can...

The day I graduated I was diasgnosed with testicular cancer

By Jason Loo Graduation. The day I sat with my peers waiting anxiously for our names to be called. My proud parents who flew halfway across the world to see me walk those few steps on stage, were sat just rows behind me. Today marks the end of three years of student life, and here we were collecting our scrolls – the key to ‘the working world’. I already secured a position with KPMG and so to me, everything I...

I have turned 1,000 “Mr Nice” guys into studs

By Kezia Noble, Dating coach Let me introduce myself, my name is Kezia Noble and the world’s leading female dating and attraction expert for men. I believe that the generic dating advice that is floating around out there has had its day! My more robust, modern and effective techniques and insights have superseded the antiquated and in some cases obsolete dating tips that men have been relying on for too long now. Let me now introduce my 1000th private client...

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