
Can We Really Be Just Friends?

For centuries men and women have pondered over whether a friendship can exist between them. Can you be friends without benefits and without one fancying the other? With some believing you can and others strongly believing there’s always an ulterior motive, the answer has the majority of the world split. But what about same sex friendships? Of course we’ve all heard the ignorant slurs: you’re gay so surely you’ll fancy another gay guy? I can assure you it doesn’t work...

10 Ways to Unwind and Reduce Stress at Home

Stressed at home? Your boss doing your head in? Or just fed up AF? Here are some quick and easy ways to make you more laid back than a hammock... 1. Tidy up - I know it may sound obvious but having an organised room really does lead to a clear mind, so de-clutter your room and you’ll de-clutter your mind. 2. Light a candle - I adore Christophe’s Coconut Island Soy Wax Candle - it’s homemade, smells edible and...

Happiness: It’s Not About the Money

When singer-songwriter Jessie J - worth an estimated $8 million - preached about the value of money in her hit record Price Tag people around the World chimed in harmony, "what the f**k does she know?" But according to new research, she may know more than we gave her credit for. A list of the top 50 elements needed to have a feel good day have ranked "sitting in the garden sun", "laughing" and "getting a good night's sleep" in the top...

Looking… Forward

“Just because you don’t feel you should need something, doesn’t mean you don’t.” When HBO announced they would be making a movie version of Looking rainbow flags rejoiced around the world. With only two seasons under its belt, the San Francisco based dramedy following a group of gay men was axed abruptly in 2015 due to poor ratings. Despite having a strong following, fans were left in mourning for a show that finally portrayed a real life version of the...

How to Self-Tan Your Back

We’ve all fallen victim to the dreaded white-back-bronzed-body look because we haven’t been able to reach the area while self-tanning. But the beauty faux pas may be a thing of the past now - thanks to British tanning product Bronzie which came to the rescue of fake tanners last month. Their new tanning mitt ‘Got Your Back’ is revolutionising the DIY tanning industry. Retailing at £14.99 this product is taking the tanning world by storm and will not only tan...

Father-Son Carpool Karaoke Raise Thousands For Alzheimer’s Society

James Cordon's Carpool Karaoke, which has starred celebrities such as Justin Bieber and First Lady Michelle Obama, has taken a new British twist after Simon McDermott posted videos of duets with his father to raise money for Alzheimer’s Society. The heartwarming singsongs are performed by 40-year-old Simon McDermott and his dad Ted, 80, who has dementia, and have so far raised almost £50,000 for charity. Ted, who used to work as a Butlin’s Redcoat and performed in various pubs and clubs, was diagnosed with...

Low Sugar Diet Is Most Popular For 2016

A low sugar diet is most popular for 2016 shows new study A new study has uncovered the latest big trend in dieting. The survey, conducted by kitchen appliance specialist,, found that a quarter of British dieters are cutting out sugar. The second most popular food plan in the UK was to cut out carbs, with a fifth of dieters selecting a low carb or no carb option. A quarter of the 2,000 UK adults surveyed were revealed to be...

Top tips for making the right choices with furniture

In today’s retail world, you’re never far from a bargain, but there’s often a downside to this. Things that are cheap often aren’t built to last, and you may find that you have to replace big items more quickly than you might like. You might find your time and money is better spent in researching major home furniture purchases and increasing your budget to get items that you’ll get many years of use and enjoyment out of.   Dining chairs...

There’s A Walking Wall Trudging Around London

A walking wall has been spotted trudging around London inviting people to throw blows at it to symbolise the time workers ‘hit the wall’. A survey of 2,000 workers revealed that 2.22pm is the moment when the post-lunch slump is most likely to kick in, triggering a lull in concentration and productivity. Warm working environments, not enough sleep the night before and the sheer volume of their workloads emerged as the most common reasons for the slump. Dehydration and eating too much at...

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