
Emx Squared – the timesaver’s way to get in shape

Like most people, I find it’s a huge effort shoe-horning exercise into my life between a job, social life and a relationship. So when Massimo Stocchi got in touch to tell me about electro muscle stimulation, I was game. He promised that, in one 20-minute workout at the Emx Squared studio, I’d burn a chunky 2,000 calories – the equivalent of eight hours of conventional exercise. The only (terrifying) catch was I’d be hooked up to wires and getting zapped...

£15K a year spent by dad to make 8-year-old an “A-list” star

A dad from South East London are investing heavily into their eight-year-old sun hoping he will make it into international stardom. The boy, Theodore Liang, attends drama, acting and dance classes which clobbers him with a £1,300 a month. In total, taking everything into account he splurges £15k on their son, who they already think has “exceptional” talent. The dad Steffan ia already trying build little Theodore’s brand as an actor and dancer. Next up for Theodore will be his...

Anorexic woman eating 200 calories a day told by doctor she wasn’t thin enough for help

A young woman, only 18, was told she was not thin enough for help to cure her eating disorder. On hearing the news she couldn’t be helped her weight plummeted to a potentially lethal 5st 10lb, before she was able to get help. Lorna Beattie, was studying at St Andrew’s University, and living on only 200 calories a day, not much more than a piece of fruit and exercising for hours a day. She knew she had a problem and...

Almost 80% of employees suffer from poor mental health

I am without doubt one of this massive percentage of people who suffer with stress related problems etc due to their work. I only nominally have a boss these days, but it doesn’t make it any easier, for others with a strict hierarchy it appears they are at breaking point. YouGov surveyed 20,000 workers throughout Britain and they discovered some worry statistics. 77 per cent of those questioned said they have suffered from some sort of mental health issue, and...

Research Finds Bacteria in School Lunchboxes Could Trigger Asthma and Eczema

A new study has found bacteria in children's lunchboxes could trigger health problem such as asthma and eczema. Seven in ten fabric lunchboxes tested at a school in Bath contained mould which could trigger health problems, and one in five was found to contain Staphylococci which can cause serious food poisoning if ingested in food. In the tests, 73 per cent of fabric lunch boxes tested were found to contain mould counts of up to 950 colony forming units (CFU) per...

Vegans chalk about a revolution

Ziggy the Piggy, North Carolina North Carolina, USA Sales of chalk will have hit new highs this weekend as thousands of vegans across the globe joined together in a collective ‘chalktivism’ event - a worldwide effort to help spread and celebrate the vegan cause. With the success of documentaries Cowspiracy, Earthlings and Forks Over Knives, the vegan movement has seen a 350% increase in the UK in recent years. Six years ago, James DeAlto, from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, went...

Think You’re A Bargain Hunter? This Will Put You To The Test

Everybody loves a good bargain, but how good are we at actually spotting them? A new graphic puzzle has been released by with the aim of cutting the wheat from the chaff when it comes to bargain hunting. The puzzle puts Britain's thriftiness to the test, mixing up devious deals to see how long it takes to spot the discount that will net you the biggest saving. A recent study of 2,000 adults found that eight in ten regularly go bargain-hunting, with the...

“Selfie culture” leading young women to have “highest mental health risk”

New research has reported that young women are the section of society at the most risk to mental health issues and the selfie culture is to blame. The NHS Digital statistics found that over a quarter of women aged between 16 to 24 show symptoms of suffering from mental health problems. 26 per cent of women of that age bracket said they suffered from one or more signs of mental health issues, depression and anxiety for example, which is an...

When one mum’s child died of cancer she set-up charity so others can fight disease

"Why we must improve data collection if we are to see cure rates for childhood cancers increase" Sally Hall lost her son, Skye, in 2014 from side effects of his treatment for Medulloblastoma; an aggressive and cancerous brain tumour. She has set up the charity Blue Skye Thinking to raise money for brain tumour research and also lobbies for data collection for Standard Treatment Protocol in the UK. When your child is first diagnosed with cancer, and after the initial...

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