
This is Britain’s Best Cafe View

Set atop the White Cliffs of Dover with panoramic views of the Channel, the Bluebird Cafe boasts the best cafe view in the country. And now it's up for sale. The historical building, which was built in the 1920s, has gone up for sale with an eyewatering price tag of £3.5 million! But you won't just be buying into the view, you'll be purchasing a colourful history too. The cafe played a key part in World War Two, and its secret...

A cancer patient told me she believed in angels when I helped her to keep warm

Alison Rooks leads Macmillan Cancer Support’s Energy Advice Team, who offer help to people with cancer with energy worries. Whenever I tell people I work for a cancer charity, they immediately assume I’m a nurse. Everyone knows the terrific work nurses do, yet less well known is the fact that people with cancer need a wide range of support. You wouldn’t think it was the case but people are much more likely to call our support line about financial worries...

The Anomaly that is Dog Walker’s Calves

I’ve got a friend who, despite being one of the most lethargic people I know, has got calves the size of tree trunks. To the innocent bystander he’s a physical anomaly. This is a man who has spent the best part of his life on a diet of cheese toasties and Walkers crisps, who would struggle to ride a bike without stabilisers and thinks squats are what you do when you can’t get to the toilet, and yet he can...

Campaign Launched to Overturn Negative Stereotyping of Essex Girls

A campaign has been launched to overturn the negative stereotyping of Essex girls after the term "Essex Girl" became officially recognised by dictionaries. Natasha Sawkins, 34, and Juliet Thomas, 32, have started an online petition to get the expression removed and have already had thousands of signatures in support. The Oxford English and Collins English dictionaries describe "Essex Girl" as a "derogatory" noun. The latter has the definition: "A young working class woman from the Essex area, typically considered as being...

Migraine related absenteeism costs the UK economy £2.24 billion a year

Migraine is a complex condition with a wide variety of symptoms. About one in seven people suffers from migraine and it is most prevalent among adults of working age. It is ranked globally as the seventh most disabling disease among all diseases, responsible for 2.9% of all years of life lost to disability (YLDs), and the leading cause of disability among all neurological disorders. For many people the main feature is a painful headache. Other symptoms include disturbed vision, sensitivity...

Women (and men) must regularly check their breasts – Breast cancer awareness month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here, Jackie Harris, Clinical Nurse Specialist at Breast Cancer Care, talks about the importance of checking your breasts, and what you should be looking for… Signs and symptoms When you think about breast cancer, you’re likely to think of a woman finding a lump in their breast. But in reality, there are many different signs and symptoms to look out for. A Breast Cancer Care survey found that a third of women aren’t regularly...

Have Children Mastered the Balance Between Tech and Play?

The contemporary adage that our squared-eyed kids spend too much time in front of the television may be wide of the mark, according to new research, which shows modern children may have mastered the balance between tech and play. A study of boys aged 6-12 found that although they spend a shocking total of 29 days and nine hours a year playing video games, they will spend five days,16 hours playing sport, will play outside for two hours each day and spend 103 hours on their...

Waitress saves pensioner who was stuck in bath for FOUR days

What could have been a tragic end of life to an elderly woman, ended positively, after an observant woman noticed her regular customer was missing. Doreen Mann, 87, had been stuck in her bath for four days and only stayed alive by topping up the tub with the hot water tap and drinking out of the cold water tap, and a dressing gown to cover her body. She shouted out for help but nobody heard her, and she doesn’t have...

Do you Believe in the Paranormal?

Do you believe in the paranormal? That’s a question that can divide opinions around any dinner table. Some will say yes and that they have had an experience, some will say they believe but have never witnessed anything and some will reservedly say no. What is interesting however is the number of people who don’t believe in the paranormal but still take precautions against it. New research has found that a quarter of Brits think Ouija boards can hold demonic...

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