There is a lot of talk around body shapes and which style of coat, dress, trouser, suits your physique; particularly if you’re a woman, but men are often forgotten. With the colder seasons right around the corner, Superdry has created this graphic to help men get the right jacket/coat for their body shape. Particularly if you’ve booked an Autumn/Winter trip away, packing your bag perfectly for the colder weather is something that you should always get right first time round,...
My name is Beth Richards, I’m 32, I have a learning disability, and my coordination isn’t good. I recently travelled to London from Bristol as part of my job as an involvement assistant with charity Brandon Trust. I heard Transport for London (TfL) is looking at introducing a new ‘please offer me a seat’ badge for people with disabilities and hidden health conditions, after the success of the ‘baby on board’ badge for pregnant women. I think I’d prefer to...
A report that looks set to send shivers down the spine of business owners everywhere has found that 94 per cent of Brits are drifting through their lives without any real thought of what they are doing. This state impacts performance and productivity at work, with 71 per cent claiming to have days where they carry out their day job without really giving it much thought. The report also found that many also check through emails without really taking them...
While planning and coordinating the perfect festive activity for the whole company can be a daunting task, taking note of a few helpful tips and tricks can ensure you plan an end of year celebration that will be the talk of the office afterwards for all the right reasons. Confirm the date early on December is one month of the year where everyone’s diaries almost certainly get booked up fast; both weekends and weeknights. Luckily, corporate celebrations are always high...
We are all aware of how photosynthesis converts light into chemical for plants and other organisms, but new research suggests it could have a similar effect on men! According to a University of Siena study, exposure to light can help boost the levels of testosterone in men and increase sexual satisfaction. The university recruited 38 men who have been diagnosed with having low libidos, splitting them in to two groups with varying degrees of exposure to light. The researchers found the men that spent...
What in god's name is a pelvic floor? Is that some sort of new dance move I'm not aware of? Is it a brand of kitchen tiling? Sanitary products? If you like me wouldn't know where to start when it comes to terms such as pelvic floor and Kegal, and if you think mapping out a woman's 'time of the month' is like deconstructing the fibonacci code then don't worry. You're not alone. A new study has revealed four in ten...
There are thousands of apps and technologies out there that make able-bodied people’s lives easier. Anything from hiring a cleaner through a smartphone or hailing a taxi at the touch of a button. But what is there for less able people? Well, there are apps being created that not only improve these individuals’ quality of life but also give them an added sense of independence. Here are a list of apps which are doing just that… 1. DAD is an...
Brits are giving their neighbours the cold shoulder, according to new research, with six out of ten people saying they would not feel comfortable asking their next-door neighbour for a cup of sugar. With the Great British Bake Off set to start tonight it seems we Brits are no longer the sociable folk we once were. Gone are the days when we would chat over the fence and leave our doors open, with one in ten saying they don't even know the name...
The modern world can be a very busy place and with mobile phones, trains and emergency services that busy place can also become rather noisy. A new study that looked in to the nation’s most annoying noises found that loud eaters, screaming kids – and the “Go Compare” song are all high on the nations list. Coming first on the list was snoring, with six in ten British adults wishing they could do away with the intrusive nightly sound effects... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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