Naming another living creature is a big responsibility. If you are a parent, your child will have to deal with his or her name, and whatever associations or nicknames it invites, for the rest of their life. For pet owners, the consequences of the name chosen are unlikely to be felt much by the animal, but, when choosing a name, you might want to think about whether you will be happy to shout it in the street in the unfortunate...
What is a 'normal family', Lisa Belkin probed in a new study published in the New York Times. Statistically, it is no longer a mother, a father and their biological children living together under one roof, and certainly not with Dad going off to work and Mom staying home. "Although perception and acceptance often lag behind reality, there is evidence that a new definition of family — while far from universally accepted — is emerging". The nuclear family has certainly expired, but it...
One of the main characteristics of the today’s society is its constantly changing shape and features. The modern world is developing at such rate that it can easily be called inconsistent. Such an inconsistency can be quite challenging and one of the last resorts we can find is a family. There is a ton of investigations on the subject. Some of them argue that the conception of the family is obsolete and there is no place for it in the...
Two years’ ago, Matthew Gibson, 38 from Guiseley, Leeds, could barely run 5K, couldn’t swim front crawl and hadn’t peddled a push bike since he was a child. In 2016 he set out on a mission to complete a year of fundraising events including the world's toughest iron-distance triathlon, several marathons and ultra-marathons as well as numerous bike sportives all in aid of Access Adventures, a charity which introduces people with physical disabilities to outdoor adventure sports. Not content with...
Working out is a necessity for people who are having issues with their weight. Some of the most efficient workouts are jogging, swimming or cross-country skiing. But there may be some instances when it is not that easy to go outside to exercise because of bad weather conditions. This is where the Classic Pro Skier comes in. The Company Behind The Classic Pro Skier NordicTrack manufactures the Classic Pro Skier. NordicTrack is a company that offers a number of exercise...
The latest in our Escape from the City series provides all you need to know about security when it comes to your farm and animals. Whether you depend on a farm, kennel or smallholding for your livelihood, the value of your land, property, machinery and any animals you house on it will need protecting from thieves and predators alike. If your business extends over several acres, or a complex network of outhouses and compounds, selecting and installing the appropriate security...
Valentine's Day is on the horizon and the sticky issue going through the minds of every taken man in the country is; what should I buy the missus? Flowers are safe, chocolates are safer and jewellery lands in the same minefield occupied by makeup and toiletries - not to be touched. But with clothes you feel like you might just have a shout. Not according to the vast majority of British women. A new survey has found a huge eight in...
Hit the road, Jack - the latest puzzle to bamboozle the web has been dealt out. Lurking among the face cards in this deck is a single one-eyed Jack, and you’ll have to play your cards right to spot him. Greg Tatton-Brown, the Market Manager UK for, who dealt the brain-teaser, said: “We’ve got lots of card games on our site – but nothing quite like this." See how long it takes you to spot it: Greg Tatton-Brown adds: “The...
Spiders, dogs and the dark are among the top 40 things we fear the most as children, along with beards, boiled eggs and bagels! Other common phobias include monsters under the bed, clowns, going to the loo and the tooth fairy, with some of the more unique fears experienced by some kids including buttons, gravy and the sound of cutlery rubbing together. Around seven in ten mums and dads said they had a fear as a child and 68 per... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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