
Cosmetic Surgery on Decline, But Non-Surgical Treatments Growing in Popularity

Annual survey data from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons shows that the number of cosmetic surgery procedures performed in Britain has declined by more than 40% over the last year. The decline puts the total number of cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the UK at the lowest level in almost a decade -- a reversal, of sorts, of years of growing interest in cosmetic treatments. Journalists have pointed to a number of factors as the root cause of...

Experts reveal everyday symptoms which show you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency

Experts have revealed the everyday symptoms which could show you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, including cracked lips, headaches – and bad breath. Persistent dandruff, itchy or dry skin, low mood and even stress could also be signs you need more of a certain vitamin or mineral in your diet. Other issues which could point to a deficiency include thinning hair, a low libido, white spots on your nails and tiredness. The findings come after a survey by Healthspan...

Acid attacks: Is Sadiq Khan sleeping on the job?

The rise of London’s acid attacks prove we need to change legislation NOW. It is the job of our elected officials to assess current situations and provide appropriate responses, that is not being done in London. With the rise of acid attacks it’s time for Sadiq Khan to prove he can handle running a dynamic and ever-changing city like the capital. On Easter Monday this week 20 people were injured when a corrosive liquid was sprayed over clubbers at Mangle...

Check Out High Impact Sports Bras Which Are Important During Workout

It can be argued that, other than obvious physiological, anatomical and biological differences between women and men, perhaps one of the major reasons holding back women’s optimal performance in sports are bouncing boobs. Don’t you think? Seriously, when you’ve done some form of high-intensity or high-impact sports activity before, like basketball, you must know that we have a point. High Impact Sports Require High Impact Support Yet, with the availability of high-impact bras, there really isn’t any excuse when it...

What Nation Is The Most Beauty Obsessed?

When it comes to beauty, different nationalities spend more on different things or use things more than other nationalities. But who exactly spends most on skin care or surgery and which nationality uses the most? We probably all have an pre existing assumption of which nationalities and countries we expect to come out on top - but maybe we will be a little surprised. Skin Care Research has shown that Asian-Americans spend the most on skin care around the world....

How will rise in cosmetic procedures affect beauty standards for Generation Z

The next generation, Z for those keeping up, are heading to adulthood. Born between the mid 90s and 2000s, they grew up as online natives. Generation Z have firm ideas about the importance of honesty, personal acceptance and individuality that will undoubtedly impact the wider world, not least as they account for 18% of the world’s population and $44 billion buying power in the US alone. While they’ve been waiting for adulthood, the beauty world has continued its radical changes....

It’s official: You really can get out of bed on the wrong side

Feeling grumpy this morning? You may actually have got out of the wrong side of the bed, a new study has found. A poll of 2,000 adults found those who get out on the right side of the bed are more likely to wake up feeling tired and grumpy than those who get out of bed on the left. People who get out of bed to the right also take longer to shift their bad mood and are more likely...

What, who, how: The position of the gentleman in modern society

Gender relations in the early 21st century are, to put it mildly, a tricky business, fraught with the possibility to offend or be offended, to patronise or be patronised. I thought, given the title of this column, I might take a few words to consider the position of the gentleman in modern society: what, who, how? I cannot promise to offer definitive answers, but I will offer some observations. A gentleman should, of course, be polite, courteous and considerate. That...

VIP escort services have a long, long history

A short journey through the long history of VIP escort services Whatever your moral stance, prostitution is undeniably one of the oldest businesses in the world. Actually, the exchange of sensual pleasures for goods is as old as the concept of religions. Or – to give it an even wider frame – as old as the existence of human cultures. According to a very interesting article about the history of prostitution the Sumerians in Mesopotamia created the concept of prostitution....

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