
Physiotherapist reveals best ways to rehydrate after sport

Properly rehydrating after sport is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of the body's recovery - namely because it can be such a chore. But a simple new tablet could have the solution. PHIZZ was founded in the UK by Daniel Cray, Rory Simmance-Freemantle and Jon Knight who all have a passion for living life to the full and needed a healthy solution to the pitfalls of pleasure-seeking 21st century lifestyles. Phizz scientifically helps you stay hydrated and healthy and...

One in five Brits can’t even boil an egg in the kitchen

Millions of Brits are lacking basic kitchen skills – with one in five admitting they can’t boil an egg, a study has found. Instead of a perfectly cooked egg, a fifth admit they end up with yolks which are too hard-boiled to dip, whites which are still runny or even let the pan boil dry, resulting in burnt, black eggs. More than a quarter also struggle to cook rice while almost a third say they are unable to cut an...

Women ‘damned either way’ on maternity leave

Women are judged negatively if they choose to take maternity leave – and if they don’t – new research suggests. In a study of workers’ attitudes, mothers who took time off to care for babies were seen as less committed and competent at work. Meanwhile, those who continued working were viewed as less caring parents. The results suggest women are “damned” either way, according to lead author Dr Thekla Morgenroth, of the University of Exeter. “This is a no-win situation...

Men vs Women: Who’s punching?

One in three men reckon they’re ‘punching above their weight’ in a relationship - compared to just one in five women. Men are much more likely to leave their mates dumbstruck by pulling someone far out of their league, and their mates are quick to let them know it. However, women are less modest, with eight out of 10 believing they’re the more attractive part of their pairing. A quarter of male respondents have also been told in no uncertain...

Weird and wonderful wedding venues you haven’t considered

Disney balloons, Grand Canyons and a McDonalds:  Wilderness reserve presents the weird and wonderful wedding venues that will inspire even the most traditional bride. Ash Cave Ohio, USA Embrace rustic simplicity with a Cave Wedding!  Ash Cave provides a serene backdrop for those who want a natural wedding. PRO:  Breath-taking Sunsets CONS:  Natural acoustics make whispering about the guests problematic – You have been warned! Governor’s Camp, Masai Mara, Kenya. A zoo sounds tame?  Head to the Masai Mara nature...

Britain’s top 5 beaches for Bank Holiday fun

Sun-seekers in the south are in for a treat this month – as Eastbourne is revealed as the sunniest seaside spot in the country for May. According to Met Office data the coastal area on the South Downs averaged an incredible 7.5 hours of sunshine every May day, beating its nearest rival Newquay by over half an hour. Northerners can also rejoice as Blackpool saw an average seven hours of sunlight each day in May, with Lowestoft in the east...

Battle of the Sexes: Who is better equipped at fighting ageing?

“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” Men age better than women. It’s an age old saying that we’ve heard time and time again, but is there actually any truth in it? Brad Pitt, George Clooney and David Beckham have all been likened to fine wines. Continuing to melt female hearts across the country, despite their age bracket (40-60,) and there might actually be a good reason behind their timeless handsome exteriors. Men’s skin is...

Jennie Jacques & Georgina Higgins talk openly about epilepsy

Talented British actress Jennie Jacques (Vikings), and script supervisor Georgina Higgins (‘Florence Foster Jenkins’ and ‘Paddington Bear 2’) may be on different sides of the camera, but they are on the same page when it comes to a subject close to their hearts - epilepsy. Jennie's youngest sister lives with seizures and Georgina has epilepsy. In National Epilepsy Week (14-20 May) the two friends talk film sets, stigma and why they want more people to understand how to look after...

Tapping Therapy rewires the brain’s neural pathways to reduce addiction and food cravings

Early findings from Bond University in Australia have scientifically demonstrated that the "Tapping Therapy" rewires the brain’s neural pathways to reduce addiction and food cravings. "Tapping", also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), is already being used to treat mental and emotional health issues, but this is the first time that patients brains have been monitored using an Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) scanner to show the physical changes in the brain over the course of their treatment. EFT involves...

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