
Study reveals preconceived notions British nations have about each other

The English DO have a stiff-upper lip – and Scots are NOT tight with their money, a study into stereotypes found. The research of 1,635 English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and Northern Irish people looked at preconceived notions they have about one another. Over half of English folk don't consider Scots to be tight with their cash - although six in ten people north of the border think those further south have a stiff upper lip. Fifty-nine per cent of those...

Hayfever sufferers will be forced to stay indoors on 14 occasions this summer

One in four of Britain’s 18 million hayfever sufferers is ‘dreading’ the warmer months, it has emerged. Experts have already warned grass pollen levels are set to build up steadily during 2017, meaning a summer of sniffles and streaming eyes looms for those who suffer from the condition. Researchers who carried out a detailed study also found typically sufferers who work for a living take an average of 1.8 days off each year due to their reaction to the pollen...

Is London the best place to get divorced?

Over the past decade, London has become renowned worldwide as the best place to divorce for the less wealthy spouse. Dubbed the “divorce capital” of the world, there have been many cases going through London’s courts involving large settlements, some consisting of hundreds of millions of pounds. The latest divorce case involving large sums of money, reportedly Britain’s biggest divorce, has done nothing to dent London’s reputation. Quite the opposite, in fact. This judgement has positively reinforced London’s status as...

One of UK’s most premature babies defied odds after being born at 22 WEEKS weighing just 1lb 4oz.

One of Britain’s most premature babies has defied the odds after surviving being born at 22 WEEKS weighing just 1lb 4oz. Little Austin Douglas weighed the same as half a bag of sugar when he arrived 18 weeks early on March 31. Doctors told parents Helen, 30 and Rhys, 25, there was very little chance their son would survive after he was born smaller than his mother’s palm. Austin’s skin was so thin his organs were visible and the holes...

Animal lover spends 3 years rent-free by travelling UK and looking after people’s pets

An animal lover has spent three years living rent-free by travelling the UK looking after people's pets. Emma Higgins, 29, has saved thousands of pounds in living costs by offering a live-in pet sitting service to owners wanting to go away on holiday. In the last two years, she has driven more than 5,000 miles travelling to and from 15 homes across the UK and Portugal. She takes no money for the service and instead works editing her online travel...

Clerkenwell spot is perfect for after-work hair spruce

By Amy Sharpe The Lion and Fox Salon in Clerkenwell is the perfect spot for an after-work hair spruce. Open until 8pm, its relaxed atmosphere made getting my hair done an evening out ras opposed to a chore to squeeze in during a lunch break. Especially as, in my three-hour appointment, I was offered wine, beer, hot drinks and biscuits countless times. Always a plus. During a consultation with stylist Olivia, I explained I was sick of my long hair...

Why pining for a time gone by is completely futile

It’s official, a new study has declared today, life really was "better in the old days". If only it had been released a week earlier the Tories might have fared better in the General Election, tugging at our nostalgic longing for a time gone by. As it was people voted for progress, although it's a vote too late in some instances. For a start, much of the Brexit vote was down to people's belief that things were better in the...

17th-century map found stuffed up a chimney undergoes restoration work

A rare 17th-century map which was stuffed up a chimney to stop draughts has been returned to its original home following painstaking restoration work. The wall map -- one of only three in the world -- was recovered during renovations on a house in Aberdeenshire last year. It was covered in dirt and severely damaged after being attacked by vermin and insects, and looked to be unsalvageable. The map was all set to go to the skip, until someone had...

Is UK Credit Card Debt Spiralling Out of Control?

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) recently proposed new guidelines to assist UK customers facing persistent credit card debt problems. According to the MS 14/6 credit card market study, the UK has some 30 million + credit card holders. The findings of that study indicate that some 650,000 credit card holders are in persistent debt. That indicates they are plagued by 3 years’ worth of ongoing debt. Additionally, some 750,000 credit card holders only make the minimum credit card repayments. To...

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