The average parent will turn to Google six times a month to get the answer to impossible questions their child has asked. ‘What are black holes?’, ‘how did the world begin?’ and ‘how does the internet work?’ are among the questions being asked by children that parents struggle to answer, a study has found. A poll, of 2,000 parents, found 54 per cent are regularly flummoxed by the deep and meaningful or scientific questions put to them by their children....
New research has revealed that 63 per cent of people have experienced a persistent gut or abdominal problem or symptom, but 29 per cent have not sought professional medical help. The research, which was conducted for Love Your Gut Week (4-10 September), an initiative from a group of digestive health charities and organisations, showed that the most common gut problems experienced were: 1. Constipation (44%) 2. Diarrhoea (43%) 3. Heart burn (39%) 4. Bloating (33%) 5. Persistent stomach pain (15%)...
There is a huge increase in the number of people who are taking time off from employment due to mental health problems, according to new figures. One in three sick notes are handed out for mental health issues, in total 5730,000 cases were reported last year. The stigma around mental health conditions has alleviated somewhat in recent years as many public figures have talked openly about their own issues, and how they have struggled. This number has risen 70,000 in...
A legal secretary lost almost six stone and claims she looks a decade younger thanks to a diet which sees her eat 95 per cent FRUIT. Fresh-faced Rebecca Rosenberg also says she has banished her lifelong acne problem and cured herself of MS since becoming a fruitarian. The 33-year-old munches on ten peaches, oranges or apples, a family-size bag of grapes or an entire watermelon in a single sitting. She guzzles 1.5 gallon smoothies, devours ginormous salads and gets through...
A pregnant mum has created a buzz after posing for maternity photos - with 20,000 BEES swarming around her baby bump. Brave Emily Mueller got the honeybees to settle on her stomach by holding the queen bee in a cage in her hand. The 33-year-old is a full-time beekeeper who keeps 24 hives containing around 1.2 millions bees and says she’s been stung a whopping 350 times this year alone. But she said she wasn’t scared about having the photos...
When it comes to dealing with the aftermath of a divorce, it’s not just the emotional heartbreak that you’ll have to digest. In fact, a divorce is rarely over as soon as you’ve got the legal documentation for your relationship breakdown! The arrangements for children shared will need to be organised, as well as the split of finances after your separation. However, you may have struggled to find the best place to start, especially when considering that these family law...
A couple loved the church they got married in so much they decided to buy it, renovate it and turn it into a stunning HOLIDAY HOME. Anne Monroe, 65, and her husband Bill, 71, married at St Luke's Church in the Kielder National Park in 1987 and have since had each of their four sons christened in front of the grand stained-glass window. Anne was even christened at the church herself and has had a lifetime affinity with the building....
Kids are often overwhelmed by homework assignments that they receive during the week at school. Parents are often the ones who feel the burden of this work, because kids come to them for help. The instinct to help out in these situations is natural, as nobody wants to see their kids go through a hard time. But you could be doing more harm than good. There is an old saying that claims that the worst thing you can do for...
A father has told of his heartbreak after his son inherited the same rare degenerative condition as him and is now struggling with mobility -- aged just five Andrew Frerichs, 51 and son Calum, 5, both live with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), a condition which affects the dexterity of their hands and legs. But dad Andrew does not want his son to be disadvantaged by the disease, which caused him some pain growing up. Andrew was diagnosed aged 11, after inheriting... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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