The parents of a toddler who recently lived through a life-threatening liver transplant are terrified his four-year-old brother may face the same ordeal. Laura and Liam Keenan had to watch as their 14-month-old son Harry battled through a liver transplant operation in late August. He was diagnosed with a rare genetic protein deficiency. But now 29-year-old primary school teacher Laura says their four-year-old son Max is also showing one of the same symptoms as Harry. Max's veins are protruding which...
The world's most elite nanny training school has unveiled this year's new recruits - including its largest ever intake of MEN. Graduates from Norland College go on to look after the children of some of the richest people in the world - including celebrities and royalty. Prince George has a Norland Nanny - Maria Borrallo who trained at the exclusive academy in Bath, Somerset. This year's intake of 'Mary Poppins' includes four men - the highest number of male recruits...
The desperate parents of conjoined ten-year-old twins attached at the head are appealing for help to raise £75,000 to separate them. Joy and Joyce Magsino were born with angular frontal partial craniopagus - they are attached at the forehead. A touching video released by their father devoted Patrick Magsino, 30, shows them taking selfies and playing video games, just like any other ten-year-old girls. Doctors in Albay in the Philippines said it was possible to separate them with a risky...
No kisses on text messages, women saying 'I'm fine' and locking the bathroom door when showering are all signs men are in the doghouse, a study has found. A poll of 2,000 women has given men a helpful insight into how they can tell if their partner is cross with them, without her having to utter a single word. Going to bed early to read and not making their partner a cup of tea when they make themselves one are...
Rolexes are expensive, luxurious and coveted… but cool? We’re not so sure about that. Rolex is a Swiss watch manufacturer that has the utmost respect from everyone in the general public and those in the watch industry. Don’t get us wrong, they are beautiful little pieces, but not the first brand that springs to mind when you’re after something that is edgy, hip, and a little bit daring. For those traits, you’d best shop elsewhere. To begin with, let’s have...
Ginger-haired men are getting more sex - thanks to the ‘Ed Sheeran effect’, a study has revealed. Red-headed males have been ridiculed since the dawn of time due to their pale skin and inability to tan and were even once considered to be a genetic mutation, Throughout history even a string of notable Royals including King Henry and Queen Elizabeth I have fallen victim to the 'Ginger curse' But busker-turned platinum-selling pop artist Sheeran, 26, has finally made ginger cool,...
According to recent figures, you are 20 times more likely to be robbed while online by a criminal based overseas, than by a robber in the street. There were an estimated 3.6 million cases of fraud and 2 million computer misuse offences last year alone, and fraud is now the most commonly experienced offence. While many people seem to think they’re taking cyber security seriously, the harsh reality is that scammers are targeting an increasing number of online users. With...
The average parent will turn to Google six times a month to get the answer to impossible questions their child has asked. ‘What are black holes?’, ‘how did the world begin?’ and ‘how does the internet work?’ are among the questions being asked by children that parents struggle to answer, a study has found. A poll, of 2,000 parents, found 54 per cent are regularly flummoxed by the deep and meaningful or scientific questions put to them by their children....
New research has revealed that 63 per cent of people have experienced a persistent gut or abdominal problem or symptom, but 29 per cent have not sought professional medical help. The research, which was conducted for Love Your Gut Week (4-10 September), an initiative from a group of digestive health charities and organisations, showed that the most common gut problems experienced were: 1. Constipation (44%) 2. Diarrhoea (43%) 3. Heart burn (39%) 4. Bloating (33%) 5. Persistent stomach pain (15%)... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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