Nick York tells his story of suffering with cancer to becoming a full time advocate at Leukaemia CARE September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), a month dedicated to raising awareness of these relatively rare cancers and increasing the profile of issues faced by patients across the globe. This BCAM holds particular importance to me as I find myself reflecting on the journey that I have been on over the past eight years, from diagnosis to full-time patient advocate at Leukaemia CARE....
They say that a dog is a man's best friend, but if I ever saw my best friend lick his own poop and then tongue my face I can't imagine he'd be my best friend for much longer. A new survey has today revealed the lengths we go to to keep our pets happy, with kissing the dog goodbye before leaving home and sharing a bath with our pets among the top things animal lovers fess up to. Although faecal-to-facial activity...
Celebrities including Stormzy, Kate Moss and Jourdan Dunn were heckled by animal rights protesters as they turned up for Saturday night’s Burberry catwalk show in central London. The event was due to kick off at 7pm but was delayed by 15 minutes due to the vocal protesters. Model Kate Moss runs a gauntlet of protestors lined with police officers as show appears at a London Fashion Week event, September 16 2017. Activists lined the red carpet outside the Clerkenwell venue...
A gobsmacked midwife cancelled her dentist appointment so she could see the birth of a baby boy - who tipped the scales at a whopping 12 lbs. Theo Brown came into the world on September 6 weighing nearly twice the average of a newborn. Exhausted mother Paula Brown gave birth naturally to the large baby after spending six hours in labour. One week old Theo with his mum and dad Paula and Gareth Brown back home in Great Harwood. After...
It’s official, Brighton is the happiness capital of the UK. The popular coastal city beat competition from Leicester and Portsmouth to take the top spot. Oxford, Norwich and Bristol also appeared in the top ten happiest cities to live in, while Manchester, Belfast and Cardiff all took high positions. More than a third of Brighton's population chose the word ‘happy’ to describe their lives. But at the other end of the scale, just 16 per cent of Edinburgh residents described...
Join us this Prevention Week as we shine a spotlight on breast cancer prevention. 1 in 8 women in the UK will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. 1 in 5 of them will be under the age of 50. We can do more to prevent breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. Each year over 55,000 people are diagnosed. Sadly not all breast cancers are preventable. Yet around 1 in 4 breast...
London sash window repair has become ever more popular and the options and number of companies continues to grow, with Londoners benefitting significantly from the competition driving down prices. With more and more London sash window repair companies favouring salvaging traditional joinery over brutally ripping out over a hundred years of history there’s never been a better time to keep your existing windows even if they are in various states of disrepair. The average London sash window company can now...
Millions of Brits would happily celebrate a big windfall – by ditching their other half, a study has revealed. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found more than one in four would leave their partner, with some blokes admitting as little as £100k would be enough for them to walk away. One in 50 would even be willing to cut ties with their spouse for less than £50,000. It also emerged men would be more likely to be tempted...
A piece of jewellery bought at a car boot sale for £5 is set to sell for more than £20,000 after it turned out to be a diamond, emerald and ruby brooch. The owner of the brooch gave it to her daughter to wear to church but she placed it in the bottom of her handbag and forgot about it. On a chance visit to a jeweler many months later, she pulled out the brooch and was sharing the story... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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