“Our girls are stronger together - a real team” Did you know that over three-fifths (61%) of children waiting to be adopted in England are part of a sibling group? That’s the focus of this year’s National Adoption Week, running until 22 October. The campaign aims to encourage more adopters to come forward and to consider adopting brothers and sisters together. Having the comfort of being adopted alongside their siblings can help children, who may have already experienced significant trauma...
A stranger has been reunited with the suicidal man he stopped jumping from a bridge with nine words: 'It will get better mate, you will get better.' Jonny Benjamin, 29, had been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder – a cross between schizophrenia and biopolar disorder - before he prepared to kill himself. Neil Laybourn, 34, was just crossing Waterloo Bridge himself when he spotted Jonny, rushed over and uttered the nine words which saved Jonny's life. They spent the next 25...
A desperately ill woman whose brain is dropping out of her skull won't live to see Christmas this year if she doesn't raise enough money for life saving surgery. Sarah Gearing, 40, has a condition which causes her body's connective tissues to collapse, meaning that many of her joints frequently fall apart. This condition, called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, means that Sarah needs £130,000 to have a unique operation which will take place in Barcelona and last for over ten hours....
Almost half the nation's parents have never considered asking their children about their mental health, it has emerged. Researchers found millions of mums and dads are so busy with looking after their families day-to-day they haven't thought about asking their kids how they are. The stat is even more remarkable when you consider the fact many parents believe their youngsters are suffering from stress caused by school issues. Two thirds said they believed their kids 'have it tough', with more...
Like most widows Tulsidevi Danai is very proud of her late husband and the bravery that earned him his war medal. But as she holds up the battered broken medal bearing the likeness of King George VI, she appreciated its other significance: to her it is the difference between life and death. She explains: “This medal is the evidence for getting my Welfare Pension from The Gurkha Welfare Trust (GWT),” a pension which enables her to survive. Tulsidevi’s husband Bakhansing...
One in five Brits has fallen out with their partner – because of something they did in a DREAM, a study has found. A poll of 2,000 adults found one third of the population have woken in a rage after dreaming their partner cheating on them. But rather than waking up and forgetting about it, a large percentage admit the dream went on to spark arguments with their other half. The study also found one in four couples believe a...
STATISTICS have today been released on the number of multiple births in England and Wales – showing a dramatic decrease in twin and triplet stillbirths. The figures1, released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), show that in 2016 the overall number of multiple births and multiple stillbirths have decreased in England and Wales. In 2015, multiples represented about 3% of births but 7.2% of stillbirths. In 2016, multiples still represent about 3% of births, but only 5.9% of stillbirths....
Thousands of women, including some high-profile celebrities, have taken to Twitter to highlight the prevalence of sexual harassment cases. Almost 4,000 women have posted "me too" on Twitter in response to Alyssa Milano's tweet encouraging women to step forward. Milano is an American actress who is famous for her activism, and recently posted a hard-hitting response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal in which she admitted to being "happy - ecstatic even - that it has opened up a dialogue around the...
Parents have slammed retailers for selling a sickening ‘Burnt Zombie Child’ Halloween costume for young children in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. At least 18 children died in the horrifying inferno with experts warning tens of thousands of youngsters across the UK have been left traumatised by the disaster. The £34.99 costume, sold by online retailer Escapade, is aimed at children aged just eight to ten years old. Furious parents have slammed the firm for its insensitivity, with...
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