Tons of people just love Asian food. Who can blame them? Ramen, sushi, Pad Thai, it’s all delicious. If you have a friend who is a big fan of Asian cuisine, and also very hard to buy gifts for, it might be a good idea to incorporate their food love into a gift when the time comes. Celebrate any event along with their affinity for some of the best food in the world. And it won’t break the bank either...
Nicola McGarry, a school teacher from London, started suffering with tinnitus two years ago and her experience of the condition, combined with her job in a primary school, sparked an interest in how tinnitus impacts on younger people particularly in the school environment. Here, as part of Tinnitus Week, which the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) is marking by focusing on children and young people with the condition, Nicola tells her story of why she is getting involved. “Nearly two years...
When I was at university, which was a growingly long time, it pains me to realise, there was an annual arts vs. sciences debate. It could be a dull and tedious affair, though I do remember one Assistant Dean of Science opening with the tremendous line “I’m not one of those ‘Throw the switches now, Igor’ type of scientists”. But one of the best quips I remember was from a pro-arts speaker, who talked eloquently of the spectrum of subjects...
The United Kingdom is the most surveilled nation in the world, with London leading the charge when it comes to local authority spend on security cameras. Yet, while there has been backlash against what some see as an urban Orwellian nightmare, the College of Policing has found that the increased number of cameras in public places has led to a “small, but statistically significant” reduction in crime levels. It makes sense for businesses who operate out of large premises, or...
ISIS’ dream of a Middle Eastern caliphate might be over but history shows that we can never win the war on terror with force alone. As politicians celebrate small victories in Iraq and Syria, experts are warning that the real battle lies in cyberspace – and it has only just begun. Here, the cybersecurity analyst and observer Cosmo Clark explains why bandwidth and Bluetooth, not bullets, are the real weapons in the war on terror. His new book, Blue Eyed...
Brits are eschewing trips to the sun beds out of a fear they might end up looking like Donald Trump. A new poll has revealed 73 per cent of UK adults who have previously used, or considered using, a UV tanning bed would never do so again thanks to the ‘panda eyes’ and ‘orange hue’ sported by the American President. The research shows that Trump could have adversely reduced skin cancer risk in Britain by pushing us to adopt natural...
The oceans may hold the key to a breakthrough cure for depression. Ground-breaking research has revealed low brain levels of an essential nutrient could be contributing to our mental health crisis. A study of blood samples from almost 3,000 people aged 18 to 65, showed sufferers of depression and anxiety have lower concentrations of compounds called omega-3 fatty acids, in their blood. These compounds are found in significant concentrations in the brain and contribute to healthy functioning and the maintenance...
A charity has released pictures of Britain's fattest PETS - as it launches an animal slimming competition. The national contest is appealing to owners of massive cats, tortoises and dogs to help them lose weight. Its slimming competition so far includes a two stone Jack Russell who enjoys steak sandwiches and bacon baps. It also includes a 10kg cat named Elvis Presley - who's twice the size of a normal feline - and a two stone Maltese Shih Tzu. Vets...
Only one in 10 employees now wears a suit to work, according to a study. Researchers who polled 2,000 workers found the modern British office is more likely to be staffed by professional gentlemen dressed in jeans or chinos, long-sleeved button shirts and a smart blazer or jacket with a pair of loafers or smart trainers. It also emerged seven out of 10 dress casually for work because it makes them feel more comfortable. And more than one fifth said... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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