
Skinny tracksuits or jeans?

We are in a fantastic time for men’s fashion. Whilst it was once the case – and not too long ago – that what a man wore was directly related to what he was doing at the time, nowadays fashion is merging in the menswear sector and nowhere is this more apparent than in what he chooses to wear on his lower half. Skinny Joggers It’s amazing to think that it is only in recent years that these entirely comfortable,...

Are you sleepwalking through life too?

I guess historically you could describe me as living a reactive life. Unconsciously responding to messaging that was programming my body and mind to the trends and cultures thrust my way in modern life. I am fully aware of the privilege it is to access such a life. However somehow my involuntary and reactive existence propelled me into a very dark and unfamiliar territory. Off course it was slow and gradual, until I struck 'the bottom of the pit'. I...

Review: Daiva Beautyhouse, Mayfair

Central London, Bond Street, 5.30pm, people, people ev-ery-WHERE. Although just the thought of this can be stressful, I ask you to picture taking a sneaky right down a tucked away side street from Bond Street where you’ll find Daiva Beautyhouse, a little haven just waiting to pamper you fabulous. I was greeted by Daiva herself who made me an authentic green tea, allowing the stress of Bond Street to ooze away. With relaxing music playing and the warmth of the...

Flush Brits would need £5.4 MILLION to afford their dream lottery purchases

That's a solid gold shopping list. Realistic Brits reckon a £5.4m windfall would be 'just enough' to cover the cost of their lottery wishlist, according to a poll. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found most reckon they would need to bag £5,402,013.03 in order to cover the cost of their most-desired aspirational items. Buying a flashy holiday home, paying off the old mortgage and snapping up a new motor all feature on the lottery-winning shopping list as does...

Worcester named the “smile capital” of the UK

Worcester is the smile capital of the UK, it has emerged. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found folk in the city grin 27 times a week on average. That’s 10 more times than the national average of 17 times a week, and 15 more than Edinburgh, who manage just 12 smiles a week. Coventry emerged as 'frown town' with residents pulling an angry face 11 times a week – five more times than the average Brit. However, residents...

Are you taking resveratrol supplement? Get to know the benefits

If you are aware of the health befits of red wine, then you also must know about resveratrol, the plant compound that can be found in red wine. This plant compound has a lot of health benefits and can boost the health of a person in unimaginable ways. From protecting brain function to lowering the blood pressure of a person, the plant compound can benefit in a number of ways. However, in contemporary times, people are going for resveratrol supplement...

Brits spend more time interacting with celebrities than they do with their other half

Millions of Brits have got the hump because their other half spends too much time 'engaging' with celebs like Cara Delevingne, Ed Sheeran and David Beckham on Twitter and Instagram, it has emerged. Researchers found as many as six in 10 Brits feel ‘out of touch’ with their partner due to long working hours, busy lifestyles or social media distractions. And one in six of those who took part admitted their relationship suffers because they spend more time interacting with...

10 totally different things to do in London

London is one of the most exciting cities in the world. There is so much going on for those in the know. All you need is a little information to help you find the exciting, wacky, and completely different things to do in London. If you’re not careful you can find yourself dining in soulless chain restaurants, socialising in dull gastro pubs, or forcing the fun in a sweaty nightclub. Life, and London, has more to offer than that! If...

From the Notebook: Thoughts on a Possibly Improving Year

Well hi there, and how's tricks? My apologies, and they are reasonably sincere, for having been absent from these (web) pages for two months. Since summarizing 2017 as the year that was I've taken a well-needed break from iPhone journalism to do some generally tedious yet altogether better paying work. Besides that, writing twice weekly about Donald J. Trump aka The Ingrate pumpkin, or the great march of the lemmings that is Brexit had become an infinitely depressing exercise, akin...

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