
IVA or Debt Management Plans – What’s the Best Option for You?

If you have a lot of debt then it can seem if there is no way out. However, there are always options available to you. Two of the most popular options for people that owe money but own a property are a DMP (debt management plan) or an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement). There are clear differences between the two plans and the one that will be best for you will largely depend on your own circumstances. The advantages and disadvantages...

People with mental health needs explore photography in East London

A series of incredible images have been released that were taken by people with mental health needs as part of Create's creative arts programme. Between December 2017 and February 2018, participants worked with the charity's professional photographer Alicia Clarke to explore different aspects of photography. According to a report published in July 2017 by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing arts engagement leads to enhancements in health and wellbeing. Create’s creative:discovery programme offers a chance for people with...

Adoption service welcomes adoption enquiries this LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week

An adoption service is supporting the call for more lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to consider adoption this LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week (5-11 March 2018). Coram, which runs three dedicated adoption services in London, Cambridgeshire and the East Midlands, has supported LGBT people to adopt for many years. Jeanne Kaniuk OBE, Managing Director of Adoption at Coram said: “We welcome enquiries from prospective adopters of all sexual identities, and what is most important is that they are able...

Bald bloke reckons he’s created a miracle cure for baldness – in his conservatory

A bald pensioner claims he has invented a 'miracle cure' for baldness after years of home experiments. Despite his pate, Anthony Smith, 80, is 'very optimistic' he will soon have a full head of hair after perfecting his secret formula. The former lab worker for North Thames Gas began working on the product following his retirement in 1994. And he now hopes to sell the recipe after positive results testing on himself. A bald pensioner claims he has invented a...

Portraits of young people ready for work now and then mark 150th anniversary of Barnardo’s first ‘ragged school’

Young people who learn practical skills through Barnardo’s have created a series of self-portraits to mark the 150th anniversary of the charity’s first ‘ragged school’. Teenagers at The Hub Skills Centre in Stepney Green were inspired by the recent donation of postcards dating back to the late 19th century which depict children from Victorian times learning skills with the charity. The release of the ‘then and now’ images coincides with the 150th anniversary of the East End Juvenile Mission at Hope Place which...

Freezing? Finding the perfect Plumber East London has to offer

Do you have a plumbing emergency whilst the Beast From the East snow storm is raging? Hiring a good plumber East London may be trickier than one would initially think. There are many plumbing services in East London. But all of them offer different reputations, pricing and specialist services. And none of them offers equal service quality. So how do you choose a plumbing service you can trust to do a great job in and around your home? Here are...

Dog owners will play over 2,000 rounds of fetch in their lifetime

Dog owners trek more than 1,000 miles, play 2,080 rounds of fetch – and call their pet’s name 3,120 times while walking them each year, a study has found. Exercising their dog will also result in owners having 1,040 conversations with other animal lovers a year with the average pooch spending 17 minutes of each walk off the lead. But owners will also have to untangle their dog’s lead more than 1,000 times and put up with 1,040 arguments –...

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