
You are going to die | Stop wasting time

You are going to die, as is everyone you know. So, it's time to stop wasting... time. Life Consultant Oliver Martin discusses how to take action to sop wasting precious time... Wow, this week has been all about TIME. So many people talking about their busy lives and manic schedules and hey, with three kids under the age of six I am not immune to feeling slightly under the hammer! But seriously, is there something in the air!? For example, a...

The Economics of Knowledge Versus Information

What’s the bare minimum number of dots needed to draw a star? The answer to this question raised by Dr. James Nitit Mah sheds light on a topic of growing importance: knowledge versus information. We will get to the answer later on. It is undeniable that we are in a golden age of information. Never before in human history have we had such easy access to information. The smartphone and the Internet has put virtually all information at the fingertips...

American Power And Gas: Fossil Fuel Vs Renewable Energy

As the world moves toward more renewable energy and begins to phase out fossil fuel, American Power and Gas is at the forefront of the movement. Concerned about the environment and the economy, they've begun work to improve renewable energy and work toward more green energy solutions.   As consumers sit back and watch, the energy revolution is taking place all around them. However, the media hasn't yet jumped on board and the investors aren't yet making it a big...

How to choose a public speaker for your next event

If it’s time to choose the speakers for your next event, the pressure is on you to find the right presenter. Ranging from motivation, inspirational and educational speakers, there’s so many to choose from that offer a wide range of benefits. So, how to do you go about finding the right speaker for your event? There are two key questions you need to ask yourself: Who is the audience? What is the purpose of your event? Now let's explore this...

Are You Struggling to Find Employees for Your Company?

There is no doubt that there are huge numbers of people that are looking for work these days. This means that when you advertise a job for your business, you can expect a huge response from those looking for work or wanting to change jobs. However, it goes without saying that a large proportion of the applications you receive will be from people that are not qualified, experienced, or unsuitable for some other reason. Finding the right employees for your...

This Tory is putting bill to make patients pay for NHS treatment before parliament today

Rightwinger Chris Chope has put forward legislation that would undermine the principle of an NHS free at the point of use. The Tory MP for Christchurch has tabled a private member’s bill set to be the third to be debated today calling for “co-payment” for NHS treatment. His National Health Service (Co-Funding and Co-Payment) Bill (HC Bill 37) is unlikely to be passed without his Government’s support, but it opens up for debate extending charges from prescriptions, dentistry and opticians...

A New Apartheid Is Emerging In South Africa

By Jan Cronje On Friday, 2nd February 1990, the South African president, FW de Klerk, stunned the world by announcing the official end of apartheid. Nelson Mandela was freed just days later, bringing renewed hope of peace, justice and diversity in a racially-divided country. Apartheid itself, the disgraceful form of government in which whites held all the power and other racial groups were segregated and oppressed, was condemned to the trash can of history. But now, more than 28 years...

Do you have the entrepreneurial bug?

How many times in your life have you muttered the words ‘I think I want to start my own business...’? Almost all of us have said it, and if not, we’ve most definitely thought it. For those of us, who never actually went ahead with the plan, what was it stopping us? Did something stand in the way of our business ambitions? Or was it simply an underestimation of what it really takes to launch a successful venture? Financial comparison...

Options Trading

Options trading are a good way for any investor to manage risk. Basically, an option allows an investor to buy or sell shares from stock in a given contract at a predetermined price by a given date. Options allow the trader to guess the direction the price of a stock will go without buying. Instead, as an options trader, the investor can; Buy or sell shares at a given price for a specified period Sell the contract to another trader....

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