Brexit has left no part of the British economy untouched, and with a year to go before the tumultuous departure from the European Union, those in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors are among those who are worried. And if a so-called hard Brexit is going to strike anyone, it may well be these two critical industries that are so important for the health of the economy and the nation. For starters, the Brexodus is already well under way and the...
Nicky Jones, 44, applied for a divorce without the knowledge of wife Lucy, 41, only discovered the letters by chance
Men who munch lots of dairy had stronger spines and hips but women did not get the same protection
Mineral leaches into food and then lodges in people's digestive system altering the body's ability to absorb nutrients
Eating sugar could help you loose weight according to new research. Although scientists have known since 2013 that a version of the gene FGF21 makes us consume more carbohydrates, now, for the first time, a group of researchers is showing that, despite the effect it has on diet, this gene variant actually decreases fat in the body. Timothy Frayling, a molecular geneticist at the University of Exeter Medical School in the UK and the study’s first author, said: “We were...
How to change my career: Step 1 - making the right decision about moving jobs Someone once told me 'Everyone is looking for a new job, a new house, or a new lover'. If you're lucky in love, and a new house isn't your priority, then it's a new job you seek. Chances are you've been trawling the internet searching information on 'how to change my career'. The London Economic interviewed expert Life Consultant Oliver Martin to get his top...
A new dating app has been launched for people who were privately educated. The app promises to pair people with partners "from similar backgrounds", with users able to adjust their preferences to find people who are their right "cup of tea". From city workers to country living, the app delivers an up-market version of Tinder for it's "toff" userbase, enabling people to "start the courting" when a match has been made. Its Facebook page has memes mocking people who book an...
Fateful life events ages the brain by four months
It distinguishes between toxic and healthy forms of a protein that collects in clumps in dementia patients - causing confusion and memory loss – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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