My hair looked its best on 16 April 2015 and I have the photographic evidence to prove it. The embarrassing selfie shall live forever on my Instagram. I rest with my head on a pillow, showing off my locks in all their glory. Those freshly dyed tresses tumble across the pillow case, a rusty, ruddy, mahogany colour touched with gold and oh so glossy. Quite simply, my hair has never looked better. I’ve rung the changes since - short, long;...
Researchers found that women with mammographically dense breast tissue have higher recall and biopsy rates and increased odds of screen-detected and interval breast cancer
The trendy trainers put more stress on bones, muscles and joints rather than less, say scientists.
Electrostimulation is a technique widely used in the field of fitness and aesthetics, which promises many physical benefits, but it is also very controversial. This gives rise to many doubts and the practice of which must be guided and controlled by professionals. This electro-fitness equipment, mainly by means of electrical impulses, causes muscular contractions and, as a consequence, causes an effect similar to an exercised muscle. Additionally, it is often used as a slimming treatment, allowing the muscle to increase...
A study of more than 5,000 flight attendants found cases were higher for every form of the disease examined
Like all cities, London is constantly changing. New buildings are always being erected, whilst others are torn down. Once-scruffy neighbourhoods have become gentrified and are suddenly desirable places to live. Cities are constantly growing, with immigrants from different countries and cultures helping shape the identity of the city. Here are some images of London, both from the past and present, which reflect how the city has changed. Cripplegate/ The Barbican Estate London was once surrounded by a wall extending from...
Blocking them was 99.5 per cent effective in stopping metastasis
Researchers say their findings suggest that a controversial hypothesis that viruses are involved in dementia may be correct
Scientists say knocking back beers, wine or spirits damages a gene that regulates shut-eye - potentially causing permanent insomnia – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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