Experiments on rats and flies show they actually rewire the brain, offering hope of better treatments for depression, addiction and PTSD
More than 1.3 million American men went under the knife for a cosmetic procedure last year alone
The wrong choice of mount can ruin even the best image. Picking a picture mount is not an easy decision despite how simple it may seem at first. The perfect mount doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. For you, it may be that vintage orate gold, but to someone else, it may be a wooden border with a glossy finish. A picture mount can bring out the best features of a print or dull them, making it look out...
Communication has always been an important facet of what it means to be human. It's one of the distinguishing characteristics that sets us apart from other lifeforms – not only the ability to communicate, but the ability to do so in an exceedingly complex manner. This occurs through speech, appearance, hearing, body language and even smell. As we've evolved so too has the way in which we communicate. We need only look around to see how true this is: from...
The 'regenerative bandage' quickly heals hard-to-treat sores - without the need of drugs
Clean home and disinfected surface areas is something we all want and strive for when performing our daily house-cleaning duties. At some point, you have probably asked yourself the question: “Is the cleaning product that I am using right now safe for my home and family?” You may think that you don’t have a choice on what products to use when you want the best results, but you are wrong. There are plenty of better, safer ways to manufacture your...
There are many things that you can do with a spare room; you could turn it into storage space, or even a home office. However, a much better idea is to turn it into a dressing room. Use this space to do your hair and makeup in ultimate relaxation. However, in order to create the perfect space, you need to make sure that you have everything that you need. In order to give you a head start, here are a...
Thick honey coats the battery stopping it causing internal damage
Those with the learning disability were more than two and a half times as likely to suffer a food intolerance suggesting a link
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