
The love has gone – Get over it!

Now a lot of my peers are passing through divorce, as well as clients similar in age to me. It would appear several are hitting that part of the ‘life-cycle’ where people are reconsidering their life, for whatever reason. Here's how to get through it.

Meet the woman who fled East Africa then became homeless & is now a beauty therapist

Hana is from East Africa, where she grew up, studied art, worked and started a family. But, just over a year ago Hana had to flee her home country for the safety of herself and her son. She found herself homeless in London and unable to get a job. Now, thanks to donations from the public, Hana has enrolled on a beauty therapy course and will be able to pursue her dream career in the beauty and fashion industry. Hana’s...

How to Hire Right Drivers for Your Business

Most of us are struggling to start an online or on-ground business. While we prepare a list of things that need to be done before we're ready for the big launch, there is one thing we forget: a hired driving service. No matter what business we're trying to set up, having hired help for driving around is an essential. From an online product delivery business to traveling for relocation and business development, all activities require a driver. Mostly, drivers are...

Is the Brexit Dividend another lie?

With confidence in a divided Conservative government’s ability to negotiate a Brexit that makes sense for Britain, Europe and Northern Ireland at an all-time low – both at home and abroad, Theresa May urgently needed some good news. And according to the front pages of the newspapers that have been cheerleaders for Brexit and more likely to scream “traitors” than report concerns from any quarters, the “Brexit Dividend” is just the good news soundbite that our PM needed. This week...

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