
What You Should Know About Investing in Diamonds

A lot of people think of diamonds as something to wear on their wrists, ears, necks or any other place where they can show them off to people in their vicinity. What they might not realize is that diamonds also make for an excellent investment opportunity as well. Diamonds tend to accrue in value over time, depending on the scarcity of the item in question and the demand for them, much as stocks, bonds or any other asset might. You...

Revealed: London is the number one region most likely to buy from eco-friendly brands

New data released by online clothing retailer Clothes2Order has revealed that 74.8% of people in London are more likely to buy products from eco-friendly brands, more than any other region in the UK. The data, from a survey commissioned to find out people’s opinions on eco-friendly brands and ethical practises, and found that over half (61.6%) of people in London that took the survey said they have researched a brand’s policies before making a purchase, and 65.4% saying they would...

Paddy Power to roll out empty open top bus carrying all openly gay Premier League footballers

An empty open-top bus will be paraded at this weekend's Brighton Pride Festival highlighting the "statistical anomaly" that none of the 500 top-level footballers registered to play are openly gay. The Premier League will come under fire over its attitude towards homosexuality with a bus containing every gay footballer on board - therefore leaving it empty. The protest was organised by Paddy Power, who are partners of Brighton Pride, which is the country’s biggest LGBT+ event, and is being headlined...

Vintage Collection – The New Hype

It can be said with certainty that fashion is popular, and every few decades, the clothes of the old lady become the gold for the young people of that age. In fact, in the second half of the 20th century, people were increasingly concerned about preserving and rediscovering old clothes. But how old is the vintage? Obviously, everything before the 1920s was too old, and anything newer than the 80s was too new. So, ladies and gentlemen, please stop postponing...

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