Chilling is good for you as those living in fast lane go extinct
They are linked to less stress and more physical activity than cubicles or private offices
EuropeFX, headquartered in Limassol, Cyprus, is now a well-established player in the regulated online trading market. Offering STP forex, CFD and crypto trading across multiple platforms and a suite of add-ons to suit every type of trader, EuropeFX is fast becoming the brokerage of choice for retail investors. Regulation & Security EuropeFX is owned and operated by Maxiflex Global Investments Corp Limited, a fully-regulated Cyprus Investment Firm (license number 258/14) that operates in compliance with all MIFID II guidelines regarding...
A strong dollar and a rallying stock market have been noted by gold investment experts as key reasons behind the decline in gold prices over the last year, although many believe these trends could begin to reverse soon. Gold prices have declined from $1,305 per ounce to approximately $1,179 since the start of the year, largely due to increased investment in stocks. However, many gold experts view the drop in gold prices not as a strike against gold, but as...
And it could soon be added to skincare products, according to researchers
Researchers found that high maternal levels of the stress hormone cortisol during pregnancy increase anxious and depressive-like behaviour in female offspring at the age of two
Researchers found consuming fruit and veg increased proteins in saliva that suppressed their bitter flavours within a week
Reseachers found that eating just a handful of strawberries a day could vastly decrease symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Researchers analysed the saliva and mouth cells of five e-cigarette users before and after a 15-minute vaping session – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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