
5 Tips on How to Manage Your Company Tasks Effectively

It is the responsibility of the manager of a company to maintain the smooth sailing of every task on a daily basis. The manager is the leader of a team who leads by inspiring and motivating his people. It is obviously a challenge because things are never smooth in a business organization. In such a situation, only a good manager who is smart and intelligent can easily tackle the daily tasks just by properly hiding his subordinates. In this article,...

The Reason Why Millennials Don’t Want the Typical Office Job

According to the report, more than 70% of millennials would want to be their own bosses. To them, being their own boss comes with a lot of freedom and it is a certain lifestyle of one making their own decisions. Given the level of technology we have today, anyone can actually become anything they wanted to become. This is by making proper use of the available aspirations and tools. Being the CEO of an advertising agency which has employed millennials,...

Man of the summer – Becoming the man

If any man (straight or gay) tells you that he doesn’t notice how other men look, he is lying. Don’t believe me? Just sit on any busy London street and people watch for 30 minutes. You’ll soon see what I mean. I’m not saying that men are checking out other men, but they are looking at how they are dressed and constantly comparing themselves to others. Body shape, beard growth, hair envy, dress sense or even the person on their...

Futuristic innovations set to “transform” the NHS

'Social prescriptions', smart beds and digital programmes for diabetes are among the futuristic innovations which could transform the NHS in the near future, it has emerged. According to a new report, patients will soon be connected to social networks of people living in similar situations to learn to manage their own conditions from others who have gone through the same illness. Virtual reality could also become commonly used to help paralysed patients to walk by training with brain-controlled robotic systems....

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