Emma Gray wrote a book about her life on a farm in the middle of nowhere with no electricity or neighbours for miles around.
Jonathan Longnecker, 38, and his wife Ashley, 35, were ‘living the American dream’ but said their lives revolved around mortgage payments and maintaining their four bedroom home.
A protein found in the insect's poison dampens down inflammation, according to new research
A study of more than 46,000 older men found long-term smokers were 32 per cent more likely to develop vascular dementia than those who had given up
A new study suggests there is 'no evidence' widespread use of statins in healthy older people prevents heart disease and stroke
Researchers said their findings suggest that it's the amount, not the intensity, of physical activity performed that can help prevent heart failure later in life
Smile may be due to disability caused by muscle weakness caused by condition
Whether you’re just starting out on your own or you’ve been making your own way for years, having a solid financial foundation is essential to your future. Healthy personal finances offer you security, comfort, and the opportunity to reach your goals, but achieving financial success can be tricky. In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide to help you build your personal economy so that you can reach your financial goals. What is Personal Economy? When you decide to...
Here's the scenario: You’re in a senior leadership role with 10 direct lines managing a further 100 employees. Recent feedback has indicated a high percentage of dissatisfaction and a sense of disjointed working which maybe affecting delivery and resulting in new opportunities going a miss. How do you draw teams together to mitigate dissatisfaction and grasp new opportunity? “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all...
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