Inferior care following discharge from hospital could be behind the phenomenon, according to researchers
Researchers say better guidance for doctors on how to manage chronic pain is essential, if an ‘opioid epidemic’ - similar to the one in the United States- is to be avoided
A new study also showed that people who consumed three servings of whole fat dairy per day lived longer
A study suggests that shame served an important function for our foraging ancestors - and was vital for their survival
The mum-of-four, a regular marathon runner, said she only realised something was wrong when she developed tinnitus in one of her ears
Current tests subjects people to sounds of over decibels 115 decibels - equivalent to an emergency siren or thunderclap - for at least 45 seconds.
If you’re only thinking about the common ‘fashion house designs/ to retailer/ to final consumer’ circuit, then you’re in need for some serious upgrades. As the internet expanded in scope and utility, so did our ability to expose ideas and creations to the world. Universal means of expression, such as fashion, are experiencing unprecedented visibility and fashion trends in particular have seen their playground blown to global proportions. Yes, established fashion houses are still in the trend setting game but...
In the popular imagination, the first thing that happens after a wedding is a honeymoon. The happy couple rides off into the sunset in a car adorned with a ‘JUST MARRIED’ banner, and pretty much gets dropped off at the airport, ready to fly away and lounge on a beach. In reality, that banner-clad car journey is now far more likely to take newlyweds straight home. A new survey found that young couples are spending money that would traditionally have...
Peter Sawyckyj, 65, found his mother Doris slumped in a chair "hanging on for grim death" at the care home she had been transferred to following hospital treatment – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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