This Monday November 12, the eighth year of Wrap Up kicks off at locations across the capital - as well as other British cities - see below. The scheme is to combat the suffering of rough sleepers, homeless people and refugees as temperatures plummet, with over one homeless person dying each day on average over the past year. In 2017, generous Londoners donated over 20,000 coats via collections at tube stations, schools, places of worship and over 100 companies, which were...
They are also at four times more risk of using illegal supplements - and anabolic steroids
Grandmother Tracey Britten, 50, is pregnant with three girls and one boy
Ayan Ikra claimed that puffing on two joints a day allowed her to reach her target weight of 11 and a half stone in just over two years
The results from a pilot study revealed improvements in mood and motor symptoms, as well as reduced physiological indicators of stress
Experiments in human cells and mice found they prevent tumours migrating to the lungs and liver, preventing death.
If we were to list all the kitchen faucet styles in existence, you would be here for quite a while. You see, makers of these important bits of kitchen accessory are well aware of the fact that the modern homeowner has changed; in a big way. The person shopping for a faucet does not just need a functional fixture that offers access to water when needed, but rather an important design element works well with the room’s design as well. That...
If there was any doubt whom the primary beneficiaries of Brexit will be, Nick Timothy’s latest screed in the Telegraph made it clear. The former May chief of staff proposed a “radical Brexit speech Theresa May could still make”, which involves turning entire swathes of British territory into “combined free ports and enterprise zones”. This idea is by no means a new one – the Centre for Policy Studies and Tory MP Rishi Sunak have long argued that creating Freeports, or areas that despite...
Snacking on walnuts, peanuts, pecans or any other variety stave off obesity-related conditions like heart disease and diabetes too, say scientists. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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