Emotional footage shows Monique Kelley, 28, taking steps using an exoskeleton as part of a clinical trial
Katy Payne, 20 wanted to give back and help the children who are suffering the same trauma she did as a child
The UK is a signatory of the UN Convention on the Rights of The Child, whose articles include The Right to Play: A31: States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and...
Anna and Jack adopted their daughters Olivia and Emily through Coram in 2013. Here Anna shares the joys and challenges of the family’s adoption journey. Adoption is something we first started to properly consider after unsuccessful IVF treatment. We’d been seeing a counsellor at that time due to everything we’d been through and they gave us some information to help us if we did decide to pursue that route. After our initial phone call to Coram we went along to...
When Susan Rosenthal and her husband James' daughter Aimee’s was diagnosed deaf the family’s journey began to teach her to speak and listen, this is their story... When our baby daughter Aimee failed her newborn hearing screening test and we thought nothing of it. It was only at the follow up appointment six weeks later when we learned that she had a bilateral moderate to severe hearing loss that we felt that our word had crumbled. Since Aimee was such a...
Following his bone marrow transplant for Leukaemia Duncan suffered an infection in his spine which resulted in total paralysis from the waist down (something that is unheard of in itself) - his neurologist told him she was unsure if I would ever walk again – however through his treatment of reflexology he got his feeling back and now can walk again, this is his story... At the end of 2012 I noticed I had been getting very tired easily and had bouts of nausea...
Paul O'Shea tells the TLE why he became a social worker... Prior to starting Frontline, I enjoyed a stimulating career as a teacher for 35 years, spending the last 13 as principal of an inner-London college. All teachers carry affection for their students, but I’d always had a special regard for those who had developed the resilience to overcome difficulty and disadvantage. Often they had managed this with some professional intervention, in the home and community, and I’d been intrigued...
Mark Church is running 1000 miles for charity this it his story... October marks the start of my bid to run 1000 miles for charity, involving two iconic London cricket grounds: the Kia Oval and Lords. I’m doing it as a fundraiser in memory of my dad, Tony, who died last year. Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer out of the blue. He died six months later on 21 May 2017, leaving us shocked and reeling from the sheer speed...
By 2050 humankind will struggle to feed a population of roughly nine billion people without missing targets to curb climate change and save the rainforests, a report said.
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