Shocking dash cam footage showed Joshua Gardner, then 17, brandish the enormous blade on a busy south London road then launch the furious attack
Researchers have discovered evidence that endurance exercise - such as running, swimming, and cycling - help adults age better than strength training with weights
The common painkiller reversed immune system abnormalities and reduced the severity of symptoms
Calvin Lo - billionaire tycoon who prefers the trappings of obscurity, content to preside over their empires away from the public's gaze, together with Bernice Liu...
Noel Conway, 68, suffers from motor neurone disease and only has movement in his right hand, head and neck.
Researchers used an artificial intelligence (AI) system to predict age - and it was accurate to within 2.3 years
Researchers found that students who are lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) are at much higher risk of self-harm and attempting suicide than their heterosexual counterparts
Getting the balance right between your family, work, and other aspects of your life are important. It is fair to say that most parents want to spend as much time with their children as possible especially when they are younger. That said, the bills need to be paid. In this post, we give pointers on how to manage your family life and integrate it with everything else. 1. Workout how your Family Works Families work in different ways and it...
Karl is a 20 year old literature student. He blogs about his experience of depression, suicidal feelings and being admitted to hospital to receive treatment for his mental health. **This blog contains suicidal themes. Please read with care** The room was cold, and my only company was a camera in the corner of the room. I was being held under what is called a Section 136 of the Mental Health Act. After forty-eight hours of mind numbing boredom and isolation,... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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