Carrots are not part of a Reindeers natural diet and they could even struggle to digest them, an expert has revealed ahead of Christmas. The mythical animals only have a bottom row of teeth and, contrary to popular believe, are unable to eat carrots. Brits will leave out some 3,063 tonnes of carrots this year as Santa makes his rounds across the country, but a campaign has been launched to encourage us to leave out more reindeer friendly ingredients. 'Reindeer Whisperer' Phil...
If you have been injured in an accident at a shopping mall, there are a series of steps you should take no matter what the circumstances. If you follow these steps and it is then found that the mall, or the corporation that owns the mall, is responsible for your injuries, you may be able to seek damages to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, future lost earnings, and a variety of other financial factors. Property owners and managers of...
Chemical that gets you high alters genetic profile of sperm
But scientists question whether wine really was a trigger or not
Researchers found that not only is loneliness more prevalent than previously feared, but is "particularly acute" during the late-20s, mid-50s and late-80s
It alters chemicals that turn genes on or off - making the infant prone to illnesses seen in adult smokers
A new quiz testing our hosting skills has been released after new research found a fifth of Brits are bored of being served the ‘same old’ dishes at dinner parties. Researchers who polled 2,000 UK adults found they’re fed-up of receiving the likes of quiche, prawn cocktails and spaghetti Bolognese at EVERY get-together. And with many of us set to host social gatherings over the coming weeks, six in 10 are feeling the pressure to impress with their food offerings. Commissioned...
When George Washington signed the Patent Act of 1790, he probably had no idea what an impact American ingenuity would have on the world. Surely, to a man like Washington, the idea of a cell phone, the internet, or even an automobile would have been dubbed as pure fantasy, but the spirit behind the Patent Act of 1790 is as relevant today as it was when it was first signed into law. Patents are, by definition, a legal right that...
Billionaire media mogul Alki David has announced that mobile use in the UK will be "revolutionised" in 2019 with huge investment and a mass convergence to live television viewing on handheld devices.The Coca-Cola bottling heir told the London Economic that upgraded 4G networks alongside alongside record tech investment means that live TV streaming will replace music and podcasts as the dominant trend.Next year 80% of the world's entire internet traffic will be video according to Cisco research."I've invested millions in... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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