The newborn was born with her 1lb 1oz sibling inside her after fetus in the fetu developed during the pregnancy
Chris Witt, 64, was on a late summer holiday in Tenerife
Success in business tends to have certain elements in common. Dr. James Nitit and Sir Richard Branson met at a business meeting and during their time together the two men had the opportunity to speak at length. In doing so, they found that they shared similar opinions and business philosophies, despite their disparate backgrounds. Sir Branson’s fifty-year career reads like a catalog of success, but it didn’t start that way. On his last day at Stowe secondary school, Headmaster Robert...
New research suggests it may be possible to reverse the ageing process to some extent and could potentially pave the way for anti-ageing treatments that actually work.
Booze increases the rate at which the body breaks down nicotine - fuelling craving for another cigarette, suggests a study
Spirulina - hailed as the 'miracle of the sea' - formed part of the diet of the Aztec people, and is now taken either in powder or supplement form
Second hand smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, and exposure increases the risk of multiple diseases, including lung cancer, stroke, and coronary heart disease.
More than three fifths of emerging infectious diseases are now transmitted from animals to humans - with seven in ten of those coming from wild animals
Pine needles could be used to make bio-oil to replace chemicals derived from oil, thanks to new Biorefinery techniques developed by University of Sheffield scientists – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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