If you run a business, you could understandably be feeling nervous as Brexit talks continue to unfold. Indeed, at the time of writing, much uncertainty continues to surround the state of the UK's future relationship with the EU, making it wise for you to consider the worst-case scenario. That would be a "no-deal" Brexit, where the UK simply walks away from the EU without a withdrawal agreement in place. Is your own firm prepared to handle the reverberations of this?...
And shift works imapcts their unbornms from the earliest stages of gestation
A study in sheep, by Cambridge University researchers, found that babies whose mothers had a complicated pregnancy may be at greater risk of heart disease in later life
Yasmin Swift, 20, found out she was suffering from idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension last year, and now needs a life-saving double lung and maybe even a heart transplant.
Whether you’ve got more junk on the trunk or a little bit of jiggle round the middle, where you store fat is determined by your genes
Researchers say a new approach to Alzheimer's may eventually make it possible to reverse memory loss, a hallmark of the disease in its late stages
Researchers found that the mental toll of the round the clock responsibilities of being a mum can have a negative impact on their well-being
@ The Shacklewell Arms, London19/01/2019Pictures: Graham Berry (@blktphotography) Saturday saw the raucous team-up of P.O.S and Astronautilis - AKA Four Fists - hit the capital. A sold-out Shacklewell Arms bore witness to every rumbling breakbeat and aggravated chiptune stab as this long-awaited collab aired tracks from their 6666 debut. Check out the full gallery below. Four FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour FistsFour Fists Four Fists Four Fists Four Fists Four Fists Four Fists...
Researchers found a protein in the blood that can "very accurately" predict degenerative brain disease well before signs of memory loss and confusion begin.
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