London hosted the first ever Modest Fashion Week in October 2017, celebrating clothing that conceals rather than highlights the body shape. Aside from displaying a wide range of luxury and modern covered-up clothing brands with women dressed in Islamic robes, headscarves were also a highlight on the runway, the Modest Fashion Week was enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their cultural or religious inclinations, and celebrates women’s rights to make their wardrobe choices. For many fashion brands and designers, fashion weeks...
Patients who had an abnormal scan but did not have a history of heart disease and were at low-risk of developing it were 3.4 times more likely to die compared to patients who had normal results
Eating 24 grams or just under an ounce of walnuts per day lowered the prevalence of depression symptoms
Having an excellent business plan may not guarantee successes and fruitful endeavours. But for budding entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, a good business plan can drastically increase the chances of success. We’ve seen it before, shaking hopefuls stepping into the Dragons Den with dreams of hitting big and bagging an investment and a much needed Dragon based on what they perceive to be investable ideas. Only to then have it all come crashing down because they’re business plans are flawed or...
It is hoped the jab may help cure, or at least prolong the lives, of people with some of the most common and lethal tumours - within five years.
PCSO Anna Jenkinson uploaded jokey images to an official police page of her posing with a speed gun with Snapchat filters
Just two hours a day over five days of regularly practising yoga “significantly” reduced the physical and psychological symptoms in just eight weeks.
Not everyone has the courage to quit their job only to launch a startup of their own, and yet, we see more and more people saying goodbye to their cushy jobs to start working for something that they are actually passionate about. However, as inspiring and optimistic this is, the budding entrepreneurs of today’s era do face all kinds of challenges. A major one among them is cash flow management. When your business is new, then the expenses are usually...
A study, published in The BMJ, shows that men had generally higher mortality rates from suicide than women – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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