The ultrasensitive device was hailed as "especially important" for ovarian and other cancers with poor early detection rates.
Rather than killing germs, Triclosan is actually making them stronger - and more capable of surviving treatment
It is named Yerba santa - Spanish for 'holy herb' - in honour of its remarkable medicinal properties.
How do you make sure your customers are getting the right products on time in perfect condition? When small businesses want to improve their supply chain management, they're focused on increasing distribution, lead time, and product availability. But what do your customers want? Does your supply chain management satisfy your customers? If your ultimate goal is to get the right products to your customers on time, then your logistics and supply chain should get a second look. Here are some...
Just one small onion a day is enough to reduce cancer risk by 79 per cent
The world’s cosiest taxi has been unveiled in London featuring velvet seats, sheepskin rugs – and a roaring FIREPLACE. To help Brits get to work on a chilly February day, the one-of-a kind taxi has been decked out to resemble a country log cabin. From the inside, it’s almost unrecognisable as a London black cab, with blue velvet curtains hanging on the windows and screen divider. And an imitation fireplace has been mounted to the passenger door – accompanied by...
Researchers said their findings show that acupuncture offers “a realistic” treatment option for women who can’t, or don’t want to, use hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
The test, developed by researchers at the University of Strathclyde, uses a biosensor device to analyse the patient's blood.
A woman whose dad was cryogenically frozen after death has decided to be frozen with him and her dog, so they stand a chance of being revived together in the future. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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