Jackie Andrews from Barnet says her kitchen is stocked with wedding gift appliances that have out-lasted her husband following new research that shows Britain's kitchens are awash with old devices. Nearly seven in ten Brits regularly use household appliances which are at least 10 years old, according to the study, with 37 per cent owing a fridge that’s more than a decade old and four in ten still using an oven after a decade or more. Jackie Andrews, 62, from...
Researchers found that having great-grandparents or cousins with Alzheimer's disease is linked to a higher risk of the degenerative illness
Contact lenses in different weather can be quite challenging to adapt to. For instance, if you have allergies, you must avoid wearing contacts completely during flu season to prevent an infection from occurring. Due to your pre-existing allergies, you are already prone to red, itchy eyes and wearing lenses at this time can aggravate this situation. As a general rule, avoid wearing lenses if your eyes are red or itchy. During the winter: Wear sunglasses for UV protection and protect...
The 'Sniffphone' analyses gases in the mouth using a breathalyser that is added to the phone
Today, a bank is responsible for a lot more that even a few years ago. The amount of different financial products being offered and the complex situations of their customers mean that the financial institutions need to be organised in a suitable manner. Comarch, one of the world leading software designers, is able to supply a solution that deals with all aspects of this problem - Comarch SME Banking is an ideal tool to bring cash flow management to a...
One way to earn extra cash without having to work harder is to be an Airbnb service provider. Through this, you also get to meet new people from all over the world and learn about different cultures. The main problem faced, however, is how to keep the rental homes clean after the tenants move out. So, what should you do to impress your next tenant by how clean your Airbnb rental is and come back or even refer you to...
The black market baby milk is being advertised on Facebook buy and sell pages and websites for an average of £1 an ounce, prompting health bosses to brand the practice 'horrendous'.
1,090 potential donors were swabbed in Guild Hall, Worcester on Saturday (9/3) to help brave Oscar Saxelby-Lee.
It offers hope of patients being given drugs decades before symptoms develop when they are most likely to work.
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