While there are many issues around immigration one of the biggest challenges to people who come into the UK is the language barrier. Much of the animosity towards people seeking refuge or simply to live in the UK for personal reasons stems from the lack of ability to communicate. Many of the people who rail against these types of groups are doing so because they worry, they won’t be able to understand them and that somehow English will become a...
With real estate prices on the rise, both houses and apartments are shrinking. In a fairly recent Independent article, property market experts pondered a future in which homes and apartments get smaller -- one that’s already a reality for many first-time homebuyers. While living in a small house or apartment might come with some limitations, it’s still possible to decorate without much compromise. Below, we’ve listed five creative and effective ways to get the most from a small living space,...
Chemicals in the natural oily moisturiser called sebum cause those with the crippling neurological illness to have a unique scent, say British scientists.
Smoothies are a delicious and colorful way to have a light, yet nutrient-dense breakfast or snack. Everybody loves them, and rightfully, because their pros are many, while their cons don’t even count much. When you truly want a powerhouse in a glass, you can rely on these 7 ingredients that can make a smoothie more nutritious than usual! Whey Protein: A smoothie rich in protein is always a good one, especially if it’s made with organic whey concentrate or grass-fed...
Teagan Appleby suffers hundreds of seizures every day thanks to a rare genetic disorder which trials have shown is relieved by taking THC - the compound in cannabis that causes users to become 'high.'
Researchers have identified compounds in the brew that inhibit tumour growth in a pilot study on mice.
Mark Fennell, 57, quit his job to focus on painting full-time after he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2016
By Steve Tooze, member of local climate change action group Lambeth for a Cool Planet My kids and a 16-year-old girl that I’ve never met called Greta Thunberg have turned me into a climate change radical. And today it seemed like I wasn’t alone. I stood amongst dozens of friends and neighbours on an overcast, blustery March afternoon on the pavement outside of Lambeth town hall in Brixton, South London. Our council has laudably declared a Climate Emergency and we all agreed that we...
Horse racing is traditionally seen as the sport of the upper classes in the stands and the lower classes in the bookies. Lords and Ladies congregate in the royal boxes to watch the horses that they have backed. In the bookies, middle-aged men with cigarette stained fingers crowd around a small TV, Racing Post under their arms to cheer on the horse that they’ve staked their weekly wages on. That’s the stereotype of horse racing and whilst it may have...
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